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C5 POWER Luncheon to be held at National Guard Museum


The November C5 POWER Luncheon will be held November 14, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the National Guard Museum at Forbes Field. The event is open to the public, and the featured speaker will be Randall White, a Veteran and a telecommunication consultant. His resume also includes Bible Study Group Leader, Sunday School Teacher and Gideons International Speaker.

The Museum of the Kansas National Guard is located just inside the main entrance to Forbes Field. The Museum features the Kansas National Guard Hall of Fame, honoring individual soldiers and airmen who have led distinguished careers or made significant contributions to the Kansas National Guard. The Hall of Fame contains Medal of Honor recipients, former Guardsmen turned Governors, war heroes, and more.

Also featured are the weapons, uniforms and other artifacts carried or worn by Kansas Guardsmen from the Civil War to the War on Terrorism, proudly displayed. These artifacts paint a picture of the Kansas citizen-soldier from the early and bloody days of the birth of our state, to today’s Guard missions around the world.

Another highlight is a complete recreation of “The Swamp,” the barracks of Hawkeye and Trapper John from M*A*S*H*, with all the details you’ll recognize.

The cost to attend a C5 luncheon is $10 for C5Alive members and first-time guests who RSVP, and $12 at the door. Non-members and other guests pay $15. C5 luncheons are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend, organizers said.  RSVPs and inquiries can be sent to

The next monthly C5Alive “POWER Luncheon” will be held at Fairlawn Plaza Mall, featuring Christmas music and fun activities.

C5Alive “POWER” luncheons are held on the second Thursday of each month, and meals are catered by Aboud’s/Engroff’s or other fine caterers.

For more details on these and other events, stay tuned to the C5Alive facebook page and website:

C5Alive is an organization founded in 2009, dedicated to developing and uniting Christian Leadership in the community, involving businesses, non-profits and churches.

In addition to monthly “POWER” luncheons held on the second Thursday of each month, C5 also hosts periodic business fairs and other events, including EASTERFEST, the annual Topeka Easter Parade and Family Fun Fest, held on N. Kansas Avenue and in Garfield Park on the day before Easter.

C5 members may also sponsor luncheons and other events as a way to promote their organizations.  For more information about C5, go to,, or call 785-640-6399.


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