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East – West Christian Leaders Suggest Return to Nicaea for 2025 Ecumenical Gathering


Tallahassee, Fla — June 2, 2014 |Christian News Service| — In 2025 Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians could reunite in Nicaea, theNicaea modern-day location in Turkey (now Iznik — east of Istanbul) where Christianity was defined and the divinity of Jesus was confirmed in 325 CE.

The news comes following a meeting in Israel between Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I, the leader of Eastern Orthodox Christians. The two also prayed together during the Pope’s recent visit to the Holy Land in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem.

Some Christian leaders maintain the meeting could bring healing to the deep divisions between Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy which dates before 1054 in what is known as the “Great Schism.”

Former Wall Street hedge fund manager and Catholic layman Charles Parlato is hopeful divisions can be mended. Parlato is also executive producer of NICAEA, an historical feature film about the Council of Nicaea. The film is slated to release in early 2016.

“The importance of the ‘The Council of Nicea of 2025′, cannot be overstated,” said Parlato. “It appears that the Western and Eastern Churches and all other Christian denominations will be called to session to discuss unity among all followers of Jesus Christ. Like the council that was called by Constantine the Great seventeen centuries earlier, truth must be the North Star of this gathering. We fully understand the importance this movie and our responsibility to that same North Star. We will strive in every way to meet that responsibility.”

Parlato notes the importance of producing historically accurate and biblical sound films.”Taking liberties with the Bible for dramatic purposes like Dan Brown did in ‘The Da Vinci Code,’ or the more recent film ‘Noah’ is nothing new in Hollywood,” said Parlato. “Brown’s contentions are clearly false, and I am not willing to let his interpretation of history stand unchallenged.”

Christian News Service will soon release the Christian News Service/Nicaea Movie Poll that reveals the importance of historical and biblical accuracy to moviegoers.

NICAEA joins together a world-class team of highly accomplished filmmakers from the United States and Europe to bring an important historical drama to life on the big screen. It tells the true story of Emperor Constantine’s forever changing of Western Civilization through the establishment of the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. This gripping and ultimately transformative story of religious persecution and warring factions that threatened to rip the Roman Empire apart lays the foundation for Christianity as it is known today.

The movie is independently produced by Electric Avenue Radio. Individuals who would like to be a part of this monumental project are invited to contribute to the non-profit production funding platform, Investors 4 Charity (I4C)

Investors 4 Charity allows the general public to add their support of this great cause while simultaneously benefiting worthwhile charities and reducing their tax obligation.

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