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Eat some Chick-fil-A and help kids in school

Area residents will have a unique opportunity to help children in Kansas City area school districts that need assistance.

Spirit Day for Caring for kids happens this Thursday, April 5 from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. at all 11 area Chick-fil-A restaurants excluding college campus locations. When you mention Caring for Kids while ordering, ten percent of the proceeds from all sales go to help support the work of Caring for Kids in local schools.

“This is an unbelievable door of opportunity that the Lord has opened,” says Gary Schmitz, organizer and Executive Director of the Citywide Prayer team in the Kansas City Metro.

The Caring for Kids Network was created out of a desire for Kansas City children to achieve their highest potential. The organization’s website states they mobilize sustainable, transformative community school partnerships that inspire hope and help prepare children to impact their world.

“Caring for Kids functions as a neutral means to engage the community – churches, businesses and civic groups – around a neighborhood school,” states Schmitz.

In four years the organization has accomplished:

The Chick-fil-A project is just another example of the community partnering with civic and church organizations to help the region’s kids succeed and thrive in school.

“It all begins when we ask the schools a simple question: ‘How can we help?’” Schmitz said.

The non-profit organization connects volunteers and needed resources through a simple four-step process. Schools receive all services free of charge.

While you are there Thursday, let them know you are with Caring For Kids, then take pictures or check-in using the hashtag #CFKeatmorechicken.


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