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Free Prom Dresses: Woods Chapel Church Gives Away 1,800+ Dresses at 2025 Prom Boutique

woods chapel prom

The recent warm weather means spring is on the way, which means it soon will be prom season for Kansas City area students. Once again, Woods Chapel United Methodist Church in Lee’s Summit is holding its three-day Prom Boutique on March 12, 14 and 15.

“We typically have over 1,500 new or almost-new prom dresses, from size 0 to size 28, available to any area student,” the church said on its website. “There is no income test, no needs test — any student is able to come to our boutique and pick out a free dress, no questions asked. The dresses are sorted by size, and the students are able to try them on in private dressing areas and choose the perfect dress. A team of skilled seamstresses is on hand to ensure that each dress fits its new owner just right.”

The Prom Boutique began in 1998 in the office of Sonia Clogston, a caseworker for the state of Missouri who dealt primarily with girls in foster care or other care organizations. She teamed with a Girl Scout troop from Blue Springs for the first event with 135 dresses. In 2005, Clogston partnered with the church, and the Prom Boutique has grown exponentially ever since. In 2024:

• 1,800-plus dresses were donated;
• 1,177 students attended;
• 951 dresses were given away;
• 232 pairs of shoes were given away
• 47 tuxes or suits and 50 shirts were given away; and
• More than 200 volunteers served students from 125 schools and foreign exchange students from Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Japan and Pakistan.

This year’s times and dates are 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. on March 12; 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. on March 14; and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 15. As reported by local news, the church also accepts tax-deductible donations of these items:

• Prom dresses
• Dress shoes
• Strapless bras
• Evening bags
• Prom jewelry
• Tuxedos and suits
• Bowties and neck ties
• Men’s dress shoes
• Men’s dress shirts

For more information, visit

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