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How to fulfill your Divine Destiny

Clint Decker | Speaking Truth

Ever wonder about your divine destiny? Each day when you get in your vehicle, you do so with a destination in mind. When you begin cooking, you have a mental picture of what you are going to make. While picking up your phone, you know what apps you are going to open. Every day, all of us have a sense of direction for ourselves in the different tasks we do. But the sad part is, when it comes to our overall lives, many have no direction. Millions wake up each morning and go about their day without a sense of purpose for their life.

This is not of God. He did not make us that way. Look at creation. It speaks of something entirely different. Every January 1st there is new year. Each Sunday is the start of a new week and there is a new sunrise each day.

Today is the day for a new start.

Are you living out your Divine Destiny? When Jeremiah was a teenager, while he was still determining a sense of direction for himself like other youth, God spoke to him, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:4-5)

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Then there was Mary. As she going about her day and still unsure of her life’s direction God spoke through an angel, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.  And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.” (Luke 1:30-31)

Jesus said these words to a Roman ruler shortly before He was crucified, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth.” (John 18:37)

Jeremiah and Mary, like Jesus, lived with a sense of their Divine Destiny. And there are millions of others that live the same, yet sadly millions more live aimlessly. They wake up and go about the course of their day, without an overall sense of the Divine or any direction. They are not heading anywhere; just living. And there are others, that do have a sense of direction. They wake up with purpose. They set goals. However, they have no sense of the Divine because they are self-guided, self-improved and self-made. Consequently, without realizing it the direction they are headed is off course.

How can you live out your divine destiny? For you only get one life, and once you arrive at the funeral home, it is too late.

1. Know Jesus. Turn from operating life on your terms. Place your full trust in Christ and love Him with all your being.

  1. Walk with Jesus. This is not just about a decision, but a daily walk with the King of kings, where you follow Him faithfully by obeying His commands through the power of His Spirit.
  2. Draw near to Jesus. You will begin seeing the direction of your life clearer the closer you come to Christ through a life of worship, obedience and service.
  3. Begin where you are. Divine Direction is not found after you get a degree, work through your current crisis, nor has it passed you by. It exists before you. It is found through what you are already doing. Open your eyes and see.
  4. Listen and respond to God’s voice. When you are seeking to find the purpose for which you were born and living according to these ways, you have laid the foundation for God to speak. And when He does, you will hear from Him in His Word, or through others, in life’s circumstances, nature and or through the quiet voice of His Spirit. And in all these ways, God never contradicts His written Word. Do not waste your life another second. Fulfill your divine destiny.

A prayer for you – Creator God, you made all of us with a purpose, but due to the curse of sin and our evil ways, we are not living it out. Today, we change that. We seek you with all our heart that we might live out your purpose for our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo by Ingmar H on Unsplash


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