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NSearch Technology announces new Bible Speaking series “God’s Word Speaks”

Search God's Word Speaks

DALLAS, TX, Dec. 23, 2014 |Christian News Service| — Dallas-based NSearch Technology, Inc., an e-commerce and media company, announced it has officially launched God’s Word Speaks, a through the Bible speaking by Jeff Osburn, President and Chairman of the board of NSearch Technology, Inc.

This project is totally unique. The credible God given gifts and anointing of Osburn are imparted when speaking the Word to listeners. When God’s Word Speaks, it is to give forgiveness, salvation, miracles, signs and wonders, healing, various gifting’s, and more from God for those who seek Him and are ready to receive.

Osburn heard God’s call to speak aloud the Bible and has answered God’s call with, “Yes God, will do!” He calls himself just an ordinary man, a business man, yet most important to him, a believer in Jesus Christ.

He can now be heard speaking God’s Word from cover to cover on,, NSearch Radio, and under a search for Jeff Osburn.

Osburn, a man with a vision, started NSearch over seven years ago with the astute rationale of forming his own uniquely designed search engine company. So in came some of the best creative thinkers, and now NSearch with all its various media networks, is a one of a kind search engine, Additionally, there are several other networks in the planning stage.

“Everything I have done, does not equal knowing Christ. The series God’s Word Speaks, exceeds all other endeavors,” said Osburn, a leader with an apostolic gift that encompasses healing, the prophetic, and more.

Why is speaking the Bible so important to Osburn?

“It is the revelation of Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross,” answers Osburn. God’s Word Speaks, is about others knowing God. “Atmospheres change when speaking out the words of God,” says Osburn. “There is healing and compassion in the words of the Bible. The words become seeds planted in your heart, soul, and body by God. We only have to believe them. God does the work of transformation within each individual.”

He knows this firsthand. Some years back, Osburn notes a time he faced serious illness. He went through countless doctors, multitudes of medications, receiving numerous medical diagnosis all similarly saying, “We don’t know what is wrong with you.” Osburn’s health started turning around when the Word of God entered in.

“God delivered me by His Word,” says Osburn.

Osburn says the faith he has for God and His Word is why speaking the words of the most powerful Book ever written, God’s Word, makes NSearch a unique search engine company.

Osburn can be heard speaking the Word of God seven days a week (Monday through Sunday) at 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time on, and Starting now in the Book of Genesis, the ongoing program will be archived with each continuing segment.
Online donations can be made through the Project NSearch website.

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