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Orange juice linked to cancer


Hold the orange juice. That’s the recommendation of research just released that shows staple of American breakfasts can increase your risk of developing melanoma. Melanoma cancer is the deadliest type of skin cancer and kills more than 9,000 Americans each year.

The study from the Journal of Clinic Oncology looked at more than 100,000 people over 25 years. Factoring in lifestyle and other dietary factors, researchers discovered people who drank two servings a day of citrus juice had a higher rate of melanoma than those who drank less than two servings a week.

Although all citrus juices appeared hazardous, the study revealed grapefruit juice showed the most apparent association with risk of melanoma.

Many health experts say even before the link to melanoma was discovered, drinking any type of juice is a bad idea.

For instance, nutritionist JJ Virgin says although some juices contain vitamins and other antioxidants, they contain far too much sugar and no fiber.  Instead of drinking fruit juice, she recommends eating whole fruit, adding that the fruits lowest in sugar are berries.

Pizza for breakfast? Check out our article.

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