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PRAY100: Presidential Prayer Team Mobilizes National Prayer Campaign

Ever since the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, new presidents have emphasized a fast start during their first 100 days in office. Likewise, The Presidential Prayer Team announces the launch of PRAY100, a nationwide initiative to unite praying Americans to lift up incoming President Donald Trump and his administration in prayer during their first 100 days.

The effort’s website shows requests for prayers for both Republicans and Democrats, asking God to guide elected officials.

As Trump assumes office on Monday and begins implementing his plans, policies and programs through executive orders, it is a crucial time for those of faith to come together in prayer. This movement calls on believers to pray not only for Trump but also for his entire administration, key bureaucratic leaders, the new Congress, the judiciary and the nation as a whole.

“The growing anticipation over our new president and his administration is drawing in so many,” prayer team President Jim Bolthouse said. “Praying Americans from across the nation want to be a part of Godly transformation and history in the making.”

The Presidential Prayer Team exists to provide a consistent urging toward prayer for the president and leadership of the United States. According to its website, these are its core values:

• We believe that prayer is effective and is a gift given to us by God to affect him in this world. Thus, we value prayer in general as means to accomplish the will of God in this country.

• We believe that the Apostle Paul’s urging for us to offer “prayers, petitions, intercession and thanksgiving for all people: for kings and all those in authority” is an urging from the heart of God so that we may lead “quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness” (I Timothy 2:1-5). This leads us to value urging others to pray for our leaders.

• We believe that empathy motivates people to pray. Thus, we value promoting understanding among our members so they find themselves wanting to pray.

• We believe our adversary is the devil and his forces, not people and their plans. Further, we believe that our adversary is actively attempting to undermine us. Thus, we value spiritual quickness to perceive the spiritual battle in which we are engaged.

• We believe that hiring talented online ministers, who have various skills in the online delivery of motivational content, allows us to pioneer a highly specialized ministry on a digital frontier. This leads us to value talent-focused hiring.

• As a non-denominational Christian ministry, the Presidential Prayer Team believes that the prayers of its members can transform the nation. We believe this because of four key things: God and the Bible, as well as people and the mission.

Participants will receive daily presidential briefing emails, starting on Monday. Enrollment is now open at www.PRAY100.org.

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