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Top Spin Studio Opens to Serve Artists


Christian performers all over the Kansas City area have long awaited the day when audio engineer Michael “Top Spin” Tosspon would open his own recording studio.
Well, wait no longer — that day has arrived.
Karen Clark Sheard and DeWayne Woods are just a couple of the famous faces Top Spin has worked with, but he is also passionate about Christian music right here in Kansas City working with local sensations like Steph Nicole, A.M.P.E.D. Records and Undergrad.
Top Spin grew up in a family centered on Jesus. He began rapping as a child and started creating instrumental tracks for artists (known as beats) when he was a teenager.
With an audio engineering degree under his belt, Top Spin decided to make a shift that better incorporated his education by recording singers and rappers.
Ten years in the making, the move paid off, booming into a substantial business that brings quality sound to any artist’s project.
“When I graduated from school I invested in a small, low-budget studio in the basement of my house,” Top Spin said. “A year into this, my name started circulating the city as the go to guy for rappers.”
Before long, Top Spin was contacted by a major studio in the city. After one interview, he was hired on the spot.
“Working at a major studio taught me a lot about the business and also sharpened my skills as an engineer,” Top Spin said.
Overwhelmed by the constant drugs, sex and rock-n-roll music at work, Top Spin decided to give his home business a try once more. Late last month, TopSpin Productions opened for business in the Overland Park area.
Not one to pigeon-hole himself into one genre of music, Top Spin has worked with over 250 artists from multiple genres, including secular, utilizing it as a tool to give the gospel.
“I can’t say I only work with Christians,” he said. “I work with artists who respect my faith in Christ and — by doing so — come in the studio to work. The majority of the artists that work with me, though, are Christian.”
TopSpin Productions offers multi-track recording, mixing, production, and mastering.
“We even do birthday parties for little kids who want to just come in for a few hours and record on a mic to their favorite karaoke tunes,” he said.
With an impressive system and remarkable equipment, TopSpin Productions is the place for artists who are looking for A+ sound.
“We record using Protools in our facility,” Top Spin said. “I also have an array of mics that help make the projects sound amazing. My favorite is my Neumann U87 condenser mic.”
For studio recording, prices range from $40 an hour for less than 10 hours to $35 per hour for 10 or more hours.
Need to get in the studio? E-mail to or call 913-488-7317.

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