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What is the truth about dinosaurs?


Does God exist?  How can anyone believe in religion when science has neither a need nor a place for God?  Is evolution happening today? What is the truth about dinosaurs? If God is a God of love, why do we suffer and die?

Creation Ministries International is coming to Topeka with answers to these and other important questions.  Joel Tay of CMI will expose the bankruptcy of the evolutionary myth and show how weak the scientific evidence for evolution is.

This is an issue that affects everyone.  Evolution teaches us there is no need for God, there is no spiritual realm, and there is no afterlife.  According to the theory, spirituality is just an evolutionary trick of the mind!

The Bible gives a very different picture about the nature of these things.  At this presentation, Tay will present the scientific evidence that confirms the details of the biblical account.

Tay will speak at Rolling Hills Christian Church, 4530 NW Hiawatha Pl, in North Topeka, on Saturday, September 7, at 6:30 p.m., and again on Sunday, September 8, at 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. Topics at the three talks will be “Human Evolution or God’s Creation?” on Saturday, and “The Truth About Dinosaurs” and “Creation: Impacting our Culture” on Sunday.

There is no cost to attend the event.

–Metro Voice News


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