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Conservatism Works: Trump Economy Offers Most Jobs in History


When Donald Trump won the presidential election, the doomsayers came out in droves. “Experts” predicted the worst: A crashing economy. Skyrocketing unemployment. Years of joblessness. Instead, the exact opposite is now happening. But now, an astonishing record has been set that shows just how wrong those critics were: The U.S. now has the highest number of available jobs in recorded history.

For the first time, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that the number of job openings matches the number of unemployed people. This means that at least on paper, there is a job available for every single American worker — a situation that has never occurred since these statistics began being tracked.

“The United States now has a job opening for every unemployed person in the country, a sign of just how far the nation has turned around from the recession that cost so many Americans their jobs nearly a decade ago,” The Washington Post reported.

“The Labor Department reported there were 6.6 million job openings in March, a record high — and enough for the 6.6 million Americans who were actively looking for a job that month,” The Post continued.

Even more promising, the trend appears set to continue. As unemployment keeps on falling, there will likely be more jobs available than the number of workers looking for employment in just a few months’ time.

Here’s a fact that the media and the left will no doubt try to bury: Despite Donald Trump being smeared as an opponent of minorities, his presidency is now the best era for black and other minority workers in all of history.

“The jobless rate for African Americans and Hispanic Americans is at an all-time low,” The Post explained.

That also means more opportunities for everyone, even those who have had past difficulty finding work.

“Companies are revising their hiring practices to ensure that they do not rule out any potential good workers, especially those who might not have a college degree or people who have criminal histories and have served time in jail,” the newspaper reported.

Of course, just because the number of job openings now matches the number of job seekers doesn’t automatically mean that everyone will find the position they want. There will always be some mismatch between the types of job openings and the qualifications and desires of candidates.

“The people looking for work don’t always have the right skills or live in a place where there are a lot of opportunities to get hired,” summarized The Post.

There’s also the fact that some people choose to leave a job for personal reasons and do not immediately enter a new workplace. “In a nation as big as the United States, there will always be people who quit their jobs and take time to find new employment,” the newspaper said. “More than 3 million people voluntarily left their jobs in March, according to the Labor Department.”

The major takeaway is that critics dramatically underestimated the Trump economy, and the president’s conservative agenda appears to be working. This record-setting economic boom is happening even as Trump’s opponents do everything they can to undermine him.

If just a year and a half of conservatives cutting taxes and red-tape regulations can trigger these results, imagine for a moment what three more years — or a whole second term — could bring.

You can’t argue with results. The Trump presidency is working, and Americans of all colors and backgrounds are benefiting from it.



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