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Democrat intern arrested over leaks of info


A 27-year-old Democrat intern has been arrested for releasing confidential information and witness tampering according to US Capitol Police.

The arrest of Jackson A. Cosko, 27, of Washington, D.C. came Wednesday and listed, among other things, making public personal information of key Republican senators. The crime was committed last week during hearings regarding sexual assault claims made by Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to a press release.

According to Capitol Police, Cosko was arrested and charged with making public restricted personal information, witness tampering, threats in interstate communication, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, second-degree burglary, and unlawful entry.

The department is continuing their investigation and additional charges may be filed.

Cosko had worked as intern for US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas. He had also worked for Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and former Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer of California.

Jackson Lee’s office told the news network that Cosko had only worked there a couple of months before being fired. They did not disclose the date of the firing or, if he was fired previously why his access passes were not revoked.

The personal information of Republican Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin G. Hatch of Utah and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, all appeared on their Wikipedia pages, including home addresses and phone numbers, according to The Washington Times.

The publication of the personal information was noticed by a Twitter bot that tracks changes made to Wikipedia entries from any member in Congress and publishes them on the social media site.  The account later deleted the tweets because of the personal information.  Whoever posted the information, according to the bot, did so from a computer in the House of Representatives, Fox News reported.

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