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Girl finds dinosaur shark tooth on beach


North Carolina girl discovered an ancient shark tooth while she was on spring break.

Avery Fauth discovered a megalodon shark tooth recently at North Topsail Beach. The megalodon is believed to have been the largest shark ever.

“I’m looking around and I see something buried in the sand. I uncovered it and it keeps coming, and it’s this big tooth, and then I hold it up and I’m screaming for my mom,” she told WECT, which reported on her finding.

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“I was really shocked and excited for her that she found something that big,” a family member told the news outlet.

Other than the one tooth, she and her sisters found five others. But hers was the biggest.

“I was just like, is this a dream, because I didn’t believe I found it, and then I took it out and it was one [a megalodon tooth],” Fauth added. “They’re really rare to find and they’re some pretty big teeth and they’re pretty cool.”

Fauth’s father said that he had been searching for megalodon teeth for 25 years, but he never found anything.

The girl said that she’s planning to tell her class about the find when she returns from spring break. However, she won’t take it to school because she’s afraid someone might break it.

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