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Imagining a different world with Rachel House


Imagining: A Word from Kathy Edwards.

I often imagine that there are many people in Kansas City who are sincerely disheartened by the alarming abortion rate in our city! They may know that an estimated 35 babies die every day, right here in our hometown and I think they feel overwhelmed and wonder what one person can do to overcome this terrible injustice. Perhaps those individuals know of Rachel House Pregnancy Resource Centers and the tens of thousands of lives that have been saved and changed by our work in Kansas City over the past 25 years.

Can I tell you what else I imagine? I imagine a day when there is no abortion provider in Kansas City! A day when not one infant dies on our watch! I believe it’s possible. All it will take is for each one of us to do something, not necessarily something BIG, but something intentional.

According to a CNN poll, 58% of the people in the United States are pro-life. Using that criteria, there are over one million people in Kansas City who would change the pro-life culture if they know how.

Everywhere I go I hear from FANS who say they love the work of this mission. They love that we help moms and dads choose life for their babies, that we promote both parenting and adoption options, that the love of the Lord is shared liberally and that lives are saved and changed every day through our work. We love that too, but I imagine that we can do so much more!

This year we are looking for 1,000 of those FANS who love what we do, to begin to give a gift of just $25.00 a month. We’re calling this initiative FAN to FRIEND. Fans cheer us on, but Friends join with us and together we do what we can to end abortion and bring help to those who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.

How about you? Are you one of the 58%? Can you imagine making a difference by joining with us? One thousand new friends giving $25 per month will add $300,000.00 to our operating budget. That will more than pay for one of our four centers to remain open for a full year or it could pay to open a new center in an underserved community.

You don’t have to give BIG to make a BIG Difference. Would you become a FRIEND today? Go to our website, and click on “FAN TO FRIEND”.

Together we are making a difference across generations!

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