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NOTO Arts Center offers summer classes


The NOTO Arts Center in North Topeka offers an array of classes featuring artists from the NOTO district and the community. Classes range from brief, one session workshops to multi-session classes designed to enhance knowledge and technique. Here are some of the current offerings:


Mixed Media Collage (Adult)

Learn methods of creating an image by working with color, shapes and various materials.  No prior experience required. Date, Time:  Saturday, June 2,  1-3:00 PM. Materials Furnished. Instructor: Larry Peters. Fee:  $30


Sunflower Folk Art

Learn the basic strokes used in folk art/tole painting to complete a decorative plaque featuring a Kansas sunflower. Levels:  Beginners.  Tuesdays,  June 5, 12, 19 – 3-5:30 PM. Materials Furnished. Instructor: Shelly Bedsaul. Fee: $70


Beginning Drawing

Learn how to ‘see’ in a different way. Various exercises will be explained to teach your eye and hand to work together to get the results you are looking for. Levels: Beginners.  Wednesdays, June 6, 13, 20, 27 –  9-11:30 AM. Materials Furnished. Instructor: Anne Kufahl. Fee: $90


Intermediate Drawing

Continue to hone your drawing skills through practice and guidance. Levels: Intermediate.  Wednesday,  June 6, 13, 20, 27 – 1-3:30 PM. Materials  Furnished. Instructor: Anne Kufahl. Fee: $90


June Watercolor

Learn the basics of this magical medium by understanding how to work with paper, simple drawing, water, brushes and color. For Adult Beginners, Intermediate.  June 7, 14, 21, 28, 9-11:30 AM. Instructor:  Barbara Waterman-Peters. Fee: $90. Materials  NOT furnished.  Please bring to class: Watercolor paper tablet or block at least 12″ x 16″; 3 tubes of watercolor paint: Ultramarine Blue, Alizirin Crimson, and a Yellow; 2 watercolor brushes: #12 round and a larger one; Plastic watercolor palette; Pencil, Ruler, Scotch Magic Tape, Paper towels;  2 plastic water containers


Journal Making from Scratch

Create your very own visual journal from recycled and handmade materials. This will include papermaking, bookbinding and more. Levels: Beginners.  June 8, 15, 22, 29 — 9:00-11:30 AM. Materials Furnished. Instructor: Jennifer McRavin. Fee: $90


Don’t forget about the First Friday Art Walk, a monthly event where the NOTO arts district enables visitors to enjoy arts, antiques, fine crafts, and flea market items. Entertainment is also available at many of the venues.

North Topeka hosts First Friday like no other place in Topeka! Topeka Arts District has become an attraction to Art Lovers and History Buffs alike with beautiful scenes of art and history. The restaurants, locally owned shops, art galleries and studios have become a favorite art walk destination.

Two blocks of historic buildings are bubbling with artists, arts, crafts and creative items to keep you entertained and wanting to bring a piece of the NOTO Arts District home with you.

For more information visit or call 785-408-8996.

                                                                      (Photo by Season Osterfeld, POST)


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