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Valentine’s Day Volunteers Bring Joy to Nursing Home Residents: Acts2 Network’s Compassion Initiative


As Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday, thousands of volunteers nationwide are preparing for an extraordinary display of community love and support. Acts2 Network is leading this heartwarming initiative with unprecedented momentum.

More than 2,500 volunteers in 35 cities are expected to visit elderly care homes and shelters across the country, sharing the gift of presence, thoughtful presents and meaningful programs with residents. Since the event’s inception, this growing ministry network that is part of the North American Mission Board, has brought together nearly 20,000 participants, who have made more than 1,000 visits from California to Massachusetts.

Each visit provides an opportunity to connect with residents, offering small but meaningful tokens of affection such as flowers, picture frames and socks that go beyond material value to touch hearts and create lasting memories. Volunteers engage with residents, sharing conversation and companionship. One resident reflected, “Imagine how much better the world would be if we tried to love people the way we did today, every day.”

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Valentine’s Day of Compassion is a celebration of community and empathy, reminding people that love is a universal language that transcends age and circumstance. Through this initiative, similar programs across the country are bringing joy to nursing home residents who might otherwise feel isolated during the holiday.

Acts2 recommends these steps for those who would like to become involved:

• Find and contact a nursing home. When contacting a nursing home, speak with the activities director or program director to explain that you’re part of a local church that is looking for an opportunity to hold a program on Valentine’s Day for their residents. Most nursing homes rarely have any programs on Valentine’s Day, so your inquiry usually is well-received.
• Learn about the home. Ask whether photography or videography are permitted, what the visiting hours and restrictions are, the aspects of your program and team size and whether there are any specific parking rules.
• Recruit your team. Gather your team and inform them about the program time and date. Determine and assign such tasks as a gospel message, songs, crafts and giveaways.
• Prepare your team. Educate them about the facility and kinds of people they will meet.

Recent studies on elderly care support show these programs are increasingly vital for our aging population. For more information about how to start a Valentine’s Day of Compassion, visit

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