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Volunteers bring Super Bowl celebration to homeless



This Sunday, homeless guests in City Union Mission’s men’s emergency shelter, along with participants of the Citiy Union Mission’s long-term programs, will enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship during the Super Bowl game. City Union Mission is an evangelical Christian ministry committed to sharing the Gospel and meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of men, women and children who are poor or homeless.

Volunteers from Antioch Bible Baptist Church will serve a dinner of pizza and chicken wings to men’s emergency shelter guests and Christian Life Program residents, which will be followed by viewing the Super Bowl game. Graceway Church will provide snacks. Volunteers from both churches will spend time in fellowship with the Mission guests as they watch the game together. A special video featuring the personal testimony of quarterback Carson Wentz of the Philadelphia Eagles will be viewed at halftime.

The event will take place in the dining room at City Union Mission’s Men’s Center, 1108 E. 10th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, at 5:30 p.m.

Those staying in the Mission’s Family Shelter will also watch the big game together, beginning at 5 p.m. Residents of the New Life Program will offer snacks throughout the first half of the game and during halftime, when a Christian-themed video will be presented.

According to Executive Director Dan Doty, many of the Mission’s residents and guests –men, women and children alike – look forward to the evening with anticipation and welcome a break from their normal routine.  “Many of our guests are looking forward to the big game with anticipation and welcome a break from their normal routine,” Doty shares.

“We are grateful for community support that allows us to provide special events like this for those in our care,” Doty said. “We’re especially thankful for our volunteers from Antioch Bible Baptist Church and Graceway, who not only serve dinner and bring game day snacks, but also give the gift of their companionship. Our staff and guests appreciate that the volunteers stay throughout the game and spend time in quality fellowship with our men, bringing them a sense of normalcy in what is otherwise a difficult time.”

More information about the Mission’s comprehensive programs and services to the homeless and hurting can be found at



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