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Christian employees petition Google over “Peaches Christ” drag show event

peaches christ

Photo: Peaches Christ Instagram

Christian employee of Google called a planned “Pride and Drag Show” in California a direct attack on “religious beliefs and sensibilities.” As a result, the company removed it, and performer Peaches Christ from a published list of LGBTQ+ activities.

The employees in a petition this week said the event at the LGBTQ+ bar Beaux in San Francisco disrespected the Christian faith and specifically described the performance of a drag artist who goes by the name “Peaches Christ” as “provocative and inflammatory.”

The tech company subsequently removed the event, which was initially promoted to “wrap up this amazing month” from the list of annually sponsored activities on its website. Google spokesperson Chris Pappas said the event was removed because it initially was posted “without going through our standard events process.”

“We’ve long been very proud to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community,” he said. “Our pride celebrations have regularly featured drag artists for many years, including several this year.”

Pappas said the event was removed from the site because it did not go through the standard events process. “While the event organizers have shifted the official team event onsite, the performance will go on at the planned venue — and it’s open to the public, so employees can still attend,” he said.

Just four years ago, Google was forced to deal with a petition from LGBTQ+ employees who spoke out against the company’s participation in the San Francisco pride parade. The petitioners argued that Google’s float should have been removed because the company did not go far enough to protect its LGBTQ+ employees.

Several companies across the nation have sought to closely balance the promotion of their pride materials with the will of their employees and customers. Companies that failed to strike this balance, such as Bud Light’s promotion of transgenderism and Target’s controversial LGBTQ+ displays, have been subject to criticism and boycotts.

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