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Christian leaders, pro-life activists react to Roe ruling

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Dr. Alveda King, Franklin Graham, Patti Garibay, Kristen Day.

Reaction from the Christian and broader pro-life communities are pouring in after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, as well as the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision. The rulings do not outlaw abortion, as some media outlets and pro-choice advocates allege, but rather return to each state the ability to regulate or ban it.

The vote was 6-3 in favor of overturning Casey and 5-4 in favor of overturning Roe.

Those responding include Franklin Graham, Dr. Alveda King and Kristen Day, founder of Democrats for Life.

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“For 49 years, ‘we the people have had to endure a flawed and unconstitutional ruling from the Supreme Court that allowed unelected judges to create a national right to abortion that ultimately led to extreme actions, like late-term abortions, against the unborn. Today, the Supreme Court has rightfully overturned that decision, sending the power to regulate abortion back to the elected officials at the state level. I have longed for and prayed for this day. And I will continue to fight for human dignity for everyone — from the womb to the tomb. Nothing has wreaked havoc on the black community and destroyed black lives more than the abortion industry. Abortion is an injustice against the civil rights of the least among us. Abortion is systemic racism. A baby in the womb, no matter the skin color, is a child to be protected rather than a legal ‘choice’ to be made,” King added.” –Dr. Alveda King, pro-life activist and niece of Martin Luther King Jr.

“Unfortunately, overturning Roe vs. Wade will not eliminate abortion. Far from it. But I believe this ruling would break the culture of death that has oppressed our nation for the past 50 years. When we reject fundamental principles on which this country was founded, there are consequences. The reversal of Roe returns us closer to our roots. Assuming we can believe the polls that we read, they do take the pulse of public opinion, and this can be valuable in telling us how to channel and refine our fight for the sanctity of life. Make no mistake, the battle is not over, it has just shifted venues. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, “The line between good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.” Laws may shift to each state, but the human heart is our most fertile ground.” – Linda Verhulst, Director Missouri Right to Life – Western Region.

“This historic Supreme Court decision would not have happened without fifty years of patient, loving, hard work by people of all faiths and none in diverse fields including social service, religion, law, medicine, culture, education, policy and politics. But our work has just begun.” — Salvatore Cordileone, Catholic archbishop of San Francisco, in a statement.

“I rejoice in the decision to overturn the destructive law that is Roe v. Wade. A country that legalizes the killing of its defenseless, youngest members is a country that lacks compassion and a moral compass. It is my hope that the states will now listen to the cries of their constituents and be courageous in passing laws that protect the sanctity of all life and offer support to those who choose life. My prayer is that this recension provides hope and healing to those affected by unplanned pregnancies as they make the life affirming decision of parenting or adoption. May God bless America as America affirms His creation.” – American Heritage Girls Founder and Executive Director Patti Garibay.

“The radical left is calling for a ‘night of rage,’ pregnancy centers are already being vandalized and attacked, and our U.S. Supreme Court justices are being targeted with threats and intimidation.Roe v. Wade, passed 49 years ago, has resulted in the deaths of over 63 million innocent children in this country. Sadly, this decision is not an end to abortion—it pushes the battle back to the states.” –Rev. Franklin Graham.

“DFLA is excited about the political opportunities this decision creates for pro-life Democrats. We have made significant contributions to advancing justice for the preborn and their mothers, and will continue to do so. Today is a wonderful day and we enthusiastically recommit ourselves to the mission of protecting all human life from womb to tomb.” – Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats for Life of America Day said.

“Life wins,” tweeted Concerned Women for America.

“God is the author of life, and every human life from conception to death has inestimable worth. Under Roe v. Wade, our ability to consider policies that safeguard life at the most vulnerable stage was severely limited. While the Dobbs decision doesn’t resolve all the questions on abortion policy, it does remove an impediment to considering pro-life concerns. The Bible reveals God’s calling and care for persons before they are born and for the entirety of their lives (Psalm 139). We must do all we can to support vulnerable women and children and to honor all life. We pray that God would guide our country into a deeper commitment to honor the precious gift of life and to strengthen families as the foundation for a flourishing society.” – said Walter Kim, president, National Association of Evangelicals.

“Our work now is just starting: we must help and support moms, dads, and babies. Love them all – and in so doing making abortion unimaginable,” Karen Swallow Prior, author and professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

“This day belongs to the many people who have labored long and hard to make it happen—and to President Trump, who deserves our thanks for keeping a promise I did not think he would keep,”  said Matthew Lee Anderson, a Christian ethicist and Baylor University religion professor.

“After 50 years of fighting for the unborn, our prayers have been answered.” –Focus on the Family

“This is amazing. This is probably the best day in American history in my lifetime!” A woman outside the court, speaking to TalkTV.

“For the first time in nearly 50 years, Roe is no longer the law of the land. A great injustice has been corrected, and that gives us new hope for our nation and a reason to rejoice. Half the states will now become abortion free and millions of innocent lives will be spared from the barbaric practice of abortion. This is a human rights victory beyond all others and justifies the decades of tireless work by selfless pro-life individuals and organizations, including Operation Rescue, which have worked and prayed for decades for this day.” –Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

“Today’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson emphasizes the importance of our democracy, restoring the power to the states to decide how and if they are going to place limits on the abortion industry. The U.S. Supreme Court restored the people’s ability to come to individual consensus on abortion limits — but not in Kansas. As it stands today, unelected judges in Kansas are the ones who will decide the fate of abortion limits. The Value Them Both Amendment is a reasonable approach and will ensure Kansas does not remain a permanent destination for the most extreme and painful abortion procedures.” – Joint statement from the Value Them Both Coalition led by Kansans for Life, the Kansas Catholic Conference, and Kansas Family Voice.

“Sadly New York’s radical late-term abortion law will be unaffected by this decision.  Like an overwhelming majority of New Yorkers, I oppose New York’s law allowing abortions up until birth, non-doctors to perform them, and removal of the homicide penalty from the penal code in the event that a woman is assaulted and loses her unborn baby as a result,” said Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis (R-Staten Island, Brooklyn).

“Today marks a point in history that many could not imagine would be possible in their lifetime – Roe v. Wade has been reversed. Intercessors have been praying for decades to end the false definition of viability and personhood and for our nation to protect the most innocent. Our prayers have been answered, but we are not finished yet. Now is the time for the Church to make a significant impact in our nation and to do so by interceding on the state level. We have the opportunity to impact our states through laws protecting the unborn. This is the next battleground in the fight for life.  Prayer has gotten us this far and I am excited to see it work on the local level as we mobilize prayer warriors to specifically intercede to support life-protecting laws in their own state.”  – David Kubal, President and Chief Executive Officer of Intercessors for America.

“This is the day so many of us have been working toward for decades. It’s the culmination of the hard work, sweat and tears of pro-life advocates and legislators across the country who have fought for unborn children and their fundamental right to life guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. While we celebrate today’s decision and what it means for children in the future, we can’t forget the more than 60 million children who lost their lives to abortion since 1973. I pray this is the beginning of the restoration of our country to one that values life, respects the Constitution, and, above all else, honors God.”–Missouri State Senator Rick Brattin.

Roe v. Wade is over. Children will live because of this decision to overturn the constitutional fiction of Roe v. Wade,” This decision is an important step forward for the protection of innocent life in our nation, but the work of the pro-life movement is just getting started. While overruling Roe is a necessary first step, giving states the prerogative to regulate abortion is not a final victory. While this decision will give states the right to protect their youngest citizens, many of our nation’s largest states, such as California, Illinois, and New York will still legalize and even subsidize the killing of our youngest children. We will not have true justice until the Supreme Court acknowledges the truth that under our Constitution, every American – born or preborn – has an inherent right to life protected by the 14th Amendment.” Lila Rose, President and Founder of Live Action.

–Dwight Widaman |  Metro Voice News


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