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In 2016 be the leader you want to be


2016 holds an invitation for you to become the leader you want to be.

Picture for a moment that you are flourishing in your work and your personal life. Can you see yourself accomplishing your plans and dreams?

Linda Fields is the Director of the Joseph Company and contributing writer to Metro Voice News.

Linda Fields is the Director of the Joseph Company and contributing writer to Metro Voice News.

Why is it a struggle? What gets in the way?

Businesspeople, stay-at home moms, teachers and preachers alike tell me these things keep them from living the life they want to live:

  1. Getting Things Done – People are overwhelmed by their workload, their circumstances and the stress of daily life.

They don’t have the energy and focus to do the important things that would help them become the leader they want to be.

  1. Sense of Calling? – People are anxious to know if they are fulfilling their calling. Can it be a holy calling to work at a day job doing customer service, selling products, running a business, or teaching a class of rebellious kids?

People ask, “Am I doing work that matters to God?”

  1. No One Understands — Many feel they are alone in their quest to live a life of accomplishment as a Christian. They don’t belong to a community of like-minded people who are on the same journey.

Be encouraged if you face any of these obstacles because now you can know exactly what you need to do to bring out the best leader within you. And it is possible.

To make progress as a leader you want to learn from others who are experiencing success, who are living the type of life you would like to live. Learn from their mistakes and catch their lessons. Walking out your plan in like-minded community unlocks your potential for the next level as a leader.

The exciting benefit to those you serve, whatever your occupation may be, is that you are now becoming a leader who will impact more people in greater ways than before. Your leadership is bigger than you; it is for those you influence day by day.

You owe it to God, to yourself and to those you work with to become the best leader in you in 2016. Get started with a checklist to help you start your day off right.

Download your Seize the Day morning tool at:

–Linda Fields is Founder and CEO of 7M-pact. Linda helps men and women in all walks of life to bring godly impact in their spheres of influence through her events, coaching, and resources. Linda specialized in communication postgraduate studies at the University of Texas, and earned her bachelor of science in business education and MBA from Texas State University. Linda and her husband, Rick, live in the Kansas City area and enjoy spending time with family, friends, and associates, “our most precious sphere of influence.”


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