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Letter to the editor: Covid-19 tester has more lives than morris the cat

In May 2020 a letter to the editor in Metro Voice titled, “Bill Gates & Vaccines,” blew the lid off what was really going on with the “Invisible Enemy Corona Virus” and the evil agenda behind it. It’s Fun watching Laura Ingram and Tucker Carlson exposing Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates Covid-19 vaccine scam, but here’s the truth, friends.

Now, nine months later folks are sick of hearing lies and starting to rebel against lockdowns, social distancing, mask & the demonic forces that turned the world upside down behind a “LIE about the Covid-19” ID NOW” quick appearance on 4/2/2020.

Let’s just get to it! Based on facts and lots of research, it appears Dr. Anthony Fauci, an 80-year-old, 50-year employee and lead on President Trump’s Corona Virus Task Force & Head Chief of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Dr. Deborah Birx, member of the Corona Virus Task Force, had used the “so-called Covid-19 tester” before the Corona Virus outbreak in 2020.

The article “Bill Gates & Vaccines” speaks about Microsoft’s Bill Gates purchasing the virus tester in 2013 for 43 million dollars from Alere Inc. while the tester was embroiled in a major lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland Civil Case NO. L-11-1808.

It was called the “Point of Care Diagnostic Tester and was allegedly patented in 1999. Whistleblower Amanda Wu filed Federal lawsuit for claims of the devices giving FALSE POSITIVES UNDER THE FALSE CLAIMS ACT COMPLAINT.

Twenty-six states adjoined the lawsuit in 2011 as Plaintiffs including, Vice President-Elect, Kamala Harris the former California Attorney General who knew about tester defects. * In January Ms. Harris got shot & grinned about it, she received no band-aid on her arm. Folks saw this and believe it was a fake Covid shot.

**Over view of lawsuit claims Alere Inc. produced defective FDA approved products, which have direct patient consequences. Lookup & read the entire lawsuit**.

Health & Human Services, HHS refused to pay doctor bills & claims though Medicare program because of problems of false positives jeopardizing patient’s health.

Ms. Wu employment was terminated after refusing to sign off that tester was giving false readings. Dr. Fauci allegedly knew this, but couldn’t pass up “Man of the Year Fame,” Money & TV appearances after 50 years & bowing to Bill Gates at your expense. So if Fauci could do this what else has been doing to all of us.

No weapon formed against us, you or God’s people will prosper in Jesus Name.

Bill Gates & Dr. Fauci profit from your pain and losses. We declare and decree Corona Virus gone and people who made it as well in Jesus name

Bill Gates knows this too and bought a faulty Point of Care Device ‘to his buddy Dr. Anthony Fauci in 2013 to pitch to (HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius), the former Governor of Kansas for government funding of $1.9 Billion dollars to use for HIV/AIDS testing, care & medicine in Africa with Dr. Deborah Birx.

Source :(HRSA 10/29/13 HHS awards $1.9 billion in grants for HIV/AIDS care)

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates allegedly recommended Dr. Birx to President Obama be elevated to Global HIV/AIDS Ambassador with annual budget of $1.5 billion dollars in 45 countries including in Africa Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean in 2013. The policy allegedly included faulty HIV & Malaria tester with no oversight.

This is done on behalf of Microsoft’s Bill Gates who controls CDC, FDA, NIH, Johns Hopkins Health Center & Dr, Anthony Fauci & the Vaccines distributed world wide through GAVI & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation his bread & butter. Gates has been pushing Vaccines that have left many harmed, sterile and dead worldwide. Dr. Fauci has been working with Gates for years & has infiltrated our government using Dr, Fauci to scare the heck out of you unless you take an unproven no liability if your harmed shot for a virus that many doctors say is no worse than the flu in some cases. Source Dr. Rashid Buttar, Robert Kennedy Jr.

What’s further disturbing is several people that had been around in Washington D.C. & government swamp knew the “True origins of this tester” & stood before millions of Americans and allegedly bare faced lied about it use for Corona Virus/Covid19 testing in April 2020. Hydroxychlorquine works folks.

So why Did Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr, Deborah Birx, HHS Secretary Alex Azar & CDC head Robert Redfield deceive millions of people about this Trojan Horse tester allegedly? Use your own decrement from the Holy Spirit friends to decipher the truth about this hoax. Is it that Bill & Melinda Gates wants to Nano Chip you with their RNA Vaccine that will alter your DNA making you less human & with possible sterilization & death. The Media has been in the tank for Gates & Fauci & has hidden truth from all. ( Has more information & drones spraying Covid.

The Department of Labor, HHS, & Education & related agencies appropriations for fiscal year 2013 document from 112 congress second session. This was alleged funding for what is now known as “MORRIS THE CAT 9 LIVES Tester” The list of senators on this committee included, Diane Feinstein, Sherrod Brown, Patty Murray, Roy Blunt, Jerry Moran, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Ron Johnson, Lisa Murkowski and several other senators.

Shutdowns are based only on positive Covid test. We know ID NOW gives false positives allegedly. Do you trust Dr. Fauci who went to President Trump in April 2020 & received $750 million dollars for Abbott Labs “ID NOW tester that been around since 1999 & 2013? Abbott Labs bought Alere Inc in 2018 for billions after Bill Gates buys 19 million shares in Abbott Labs. Gates & Abbott are partners. This same dude Gates says things won’t get back to normal until you have a vaccine.

So you know the truth about the Covid tester & were it came from & that is was never made for testing for Covid-19 allegedly!

How do you feel about Dr. Fauci, his grand deception & loyalty to Bill Gates?

How do you feel about officials that knew the truth and watch you become fearful, worried and anxious and distant from family & friends behind this bogus deception from fake positive Covid cases arising after people took the Covid test. Folks told they were positive and had no real symptoms.

Does Dr. Fauci really care about you, America & truth or power, money and control as he watched Americans die, lose economic security, shut down schools, businesses & churches? Does Dr. Fauci & Bill Gates know where Corona Virus really came from & who put it out?

Was it worth Dr. Fauci to be remembered in history this way? What does it profit a man to gain the whole world & lose his soul Mark 8:36 The Bible

No way should anyone trust anything said by Dr, Fauci, the fake media & fake TV doctors, fake health officials and government flunkies on behalf of Bill Gates.

Take back control over your life friends and build your health through vitamins Zinc, B-21 C, D, rest, and green vegetables & nutrition. 2021 is the year of RESTORATION and you shall receive God’s Best for your Life & have the Mind of Jesus Christ. No vaccines are needed friends, you’re not sick you are well.

“Ye Shall Know The Truth & The Truth Shall Set You Free”

–Submitted by Anna Tarr

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