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New York governor wants Facebook to censor pro-life views

New York’s new governor Kathy Hochul (D) is calling on Facebook to censor the pro-life movement and take steps to combat “misinformation” regarding abortion in the wake of Texas’ “heartbeat” abortion ban, S.B. 8, taking effect earlier this month.

In a letter penned to Mark Zuckerberg, chairman and CEO of Facebook, Hochul cheered the tech giant’s censorship of posts regarding COVID-19 and vaccines. Now, Hochul wants Zuckerbook to double down on pro-life posts.

“There is another critical medical issue that is the subject of rampant falsehoods and misinformation – and it is one that is equally dangerous to the health and safety of our communities if left unchecked,” the letter opens. “Each day, posts are liked and shared on your site that make false claims about abortion procedures and reproductive health legislation, and this misinformation has hit close to home.”

Hochul explained how misinformation surrounding abortion, in New York, specifically, unearthed in the midst of enacting the New York State Reproductive Health Act. RHA is a statute that expanded abortion rights in the state. It was introduced and enacted in January of 2019.

“An analysis of Facebook engagement between January 1 and March 20, 2019 found that four of the top 10 stories receiving the most engagement on the platform were articles about the New York State Reproductive Health Act from anti-choice news sources that represent the bill,” Hochul writes.

“These articles, memes, and other shared posts often describe horrific procedures that have no basis in reality, cite entirely made-up studies, and purposefully inflate or misrepresent public health data,” the letter continues. “The goal behind these posts is clear: to sow fear, confusion, and shame, and to advance an agenda to control women’s bodies.”

Whistleblowers from inside Facebook have already shared that it censors pro-life views.

Pro-life activists like Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, have said that they are inappropriately targeted by biased Facebook fact-checkers. In September 2019, two abortionists were cited in a fact check dinging Live Action, and one of the abortionists had openly criticized Live Action and Rose.

Though Hochul identifies as Catholic, she has a consistent pro-abortion record. She has a 100-percent pro-abortion voting record from NARAL Pro-Choice America. NARAL and another pro-abortion group, EMILY’s List, also endorsed her.

More recently, Hochul joined disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo in supporting a radical pro-abortion law that caused national outrage when it passed in 2019, The Daily Caller reports, reports LifeSite News. The law expanded late-term abortions in New York and repealed a state law that provided justice for unborn babies killed in crimes against their mothers.

–Wire Services

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