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Public invited to largest pro-life event ever at the State Capitol Wednesday

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Pro-life Missourians will gather at the state Capitol Wednesday, April 26 for the largest event of its kind, say organizers. The event is endorsed by dozens of organizations.

The day begins at 8 am and concludes at 2pm. More than 35 life-affirming organizations from across the state will participate including Missouri Right to Life, Vitae, ThriVe, and dozens of pregnancy resource centers celebrating Missouri as the first abortion-free state in the nation.

MidWest March for Life to Have an afternoon session at 1pm to announce a new initiative that aims to educate students and young adults about the new post-Roe landscape after the U.S. Supreme Court found Roe v Wade unconstitutional in June 2022. It will be held on the the north side of the Capitol with a Youth Rally emceed by Jerry Angelo, Founder and Director of Marriage Awakening, in Springfield, Mo.

In addition, Catherine Glenn Foster, Senior Fellow in Legal Policy Charlotte Lozier Institute, will share her abortion experience and how it shaped her life and career.  Levi Hart, ThriVe, will also share the abortion experience that has deeply wounded him and how he found hope despite his actions surrounding the abortion from several years ago.  Reagan Barklage, National Field Director, Students for Life for America, will tell the students what’s next for the post-Roe generation.  Hope Miller, Simply Prolife, will share her experiences as a granddaughter of Joe Scheidler, Prolife Action League, Chicago, and how his life shaped her into now being an action leader for youth and what the youth can do to remain prolife in a world which will try to draw them away from their life values.  Miller will share about her upcoming rally on June 24 in Chicago to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the overturning of Roe V Wade.

missouri pro-lifeAt 1:15 pm, Mark Lee Dickson, Founder of Sanctuary Cities of the Unborn Initiative, who has recently returned from a press conference at the Supreme Court Steps, and Mike Seibel, Senior Council for Abortion on Trial, will lead a presentation on why these sanctuary cities for the unborn matter and how any city, town, or county can obtain these protections for the unborn in their area.  Dickson has just returned from Washington DC as he held a press conference on the steps of the Supreme Court announcing a lawsuit filed in New Mexico against the governor and the state Attorney General.  The lawsuit is using the federal Comstock Act to uphold the Comstock Act.
Kathy Forck, co-organizer of the Midwest March for Life, will emcee the day and invites the public to attend.

Attendees will also be able to visit with their state legislator in their offices and visit with over 35 booths.

Full Schedule:


7:45 AM Opening – Grounds open with over 35 life-affirming exhibits

8:00 AM Capitol Prayer Walk – Meet Bonnie Lee, Open Heart Baptist Church, at the 1st floor of the Capitol rotunda.

8:00  AM Rosary / Divine Mercy – Meet Fr Anthony Viviano, Pro-life Moderator Jefferson City Diocese, on the steps of the Capitol  South lawn

8:15 AM Book Signing – Shawn Carney outside St. Peter’s Selinger Center

8:45 AM Live Performance – Camille Harris on the steps of the Capitol

9:30 AM Rally – With Speakers on Capitol South Lawn

March begins after Rally


Fundraiser Lunch 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM across the street from the Capitol, 216 Broadway – Grilled Hot Dogs, Chips, Ice Cream, Cookies, Water (Hosted by K of C Precious Blood Council, St Peter, Fulton to benefit the MidWest March For Life)

11:00 AM Book Signing – Shawn Carney outside St. Peter’s Selinger Center

12:30 PM Live Performance – Camille Harris on the North Lawn

1:00 PM Youth Rally North Lawn

Catherine Glenn Foster, M.A., J.D., “My Story”

Reagan Barklage, Students for Life America, “What’s Next For The Post Roe Generation?”

Hope Miller, Pro-life Youth Activist

1:15 PM “Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn: Why They Matter”

Mike Seibel, Esq, Sr. Council for Abortion On Trial

Mark Lee Dixon, Executive Director of Right To Life, East Texas, and Founder of Sanctuary Cities For The Unborn on the South Lawn.

More information is available at     or by calling 573-821-5130
–Metro Voice

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