Death, end-of-life and bereavement are topics not easily discussed in our western culture. Reel Grief is an opportunity to help individuals process their grief through the use of movie scenes where others are experiencing the loss of a loved one. By observing how other people respond to their unique, but often similar situations, one can compare and contrast their own grief processing and expectations. Through guided group discussion the audience can share and learn new coping skills to help alleviate the symptoms of grief. Each movie is 2 sessions long.
A different movie is presented each month for the next three months. The discussion is presented by Midland Care. The public is invited to come to just one, two or all three. Registration is required.
October 16th & 23rd 3:00-4:30PM (Fridays): “Dragonfly” (Kevin Costner)

Kevin Costner
In the movie Dragonfly, Joe Darrow (Kevin Costner) a respected trauma doctor is impacted by the death of his wife in a bus accident while working as a missionary in Venezuela. As a grieving husband, Joe, believes he is seeing and hearing messages from his deceased wife and that she is trying to communicate an important message to him.
November 10th & 17th 3:00-4:30PM (Tuesdays): “When Harry Met Sally”
(Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan)
When Harry Met Sally is a fun uplifting film about companionship between men and women. The two characters have a second chance meeting at a time when they are both struggling with the loneliness of an ending relationship. Throughout the movie the characters debate whether or not men and women can have a strictly platonic relationship and set out on a new journey of friendship and adventure.
December 14th & 21st 3:00-4:30PM (Mondays): “One True Thing”
(Meryl Street, William Hurt, and Renee Zellweger)
One True Thing tells the story of a woman in her 20s who is forced to put her life on hold in order to care for her mother, who is dying of cancer.
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Location for the movie series is Midland Care Compass Center, 2134 SW Westport Drive, Topeka. Limited seating is available. To R.S.V.P., contact: Shannon Dilks at 785.430.2199 ext. 1027 or via email at
Social distancing will be practiced to keep everyone safe. A mask will be required, but it can be removed during the program.
–Lee Hartman | Metro Voice
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