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Study finds 48% of post-abortion women were coerced


Jessica Stanton writes about a study on how post-abortion women were coerced into abortions:

“In a study conducted by Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, Dr. Ian Gentles, and Dr. Elizabeth Ring–Cassidy published in 2013 in ‘Complications: Abortion’s Impact on Women’, the authors asked 101 women to share their abortion stories. When they were asked whether they were ‘coerced or pressured into having the abortion,’ 48% of the women answered, ‘Yes,’ and said that the pressure or coercion was in the form of violence or threat. Concerning adolescent abortion, 8% of minors whose parents learned about their pregnancies from a third-party felt forced to abort; 6% of that group stated they were subjected to physical violence.”

–Jessica Stanton, “Protecting Women and Girls from Coerced Abortions,” The American Feminist Fall/Winter 2016.



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