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Ukraine Establishes Historic National Day of Prayer Amid War with Russia

ukraine day prayer

A mother and child pause at a sidewalk memorial to children killed in Russian attacks. Image: Антон Залевський, Pexels.


War-torn Ukraine is turning to God for answers to its long war with invading Russian forces. The Ukrainian Council approved a resolution establishing a National Day of Prayer across the battle-scared nation.

This landmark decision makes Ukraine the second nation in the world to establish God and national prayer into its public law. The newly designated day will be celebrated annually on February 24, with Ukraine’s Parliament beginning its session on that day by performing the spiritual anthem “God the Great, the One.”

In December, a delegation from the United States representing the Prayer Task Force visited Ukraine. Board Chairman Geoff Eckart, board member David Kubal and retired U.S. Congressman and Ambassador Tony Hall met with government officials, military leaders and faith community representatives. Their mission was to offer support and encouragement for the establishment of an annual day of national prayer that would unite the country in hope and spiritual unity. The resolution received overwhelming support in parliament, being backed by 255 members.

“The enactment of a National Day of Prayer in Ukraine will be a blessing to this country, and I believe the impact of this law will echo far beyond their borders into the world,” Eckart said.

READ: Russia’s attack on  Ukraine’s churches

As Ukraine embarks on this historic new chapter, attention also turns to the United States. The 2024 observance will be held on May 2, with the call to “Pour Out to the God of Hope and Be Filled,” based on Romans 15:13. This year, millions of Americans are expected to engage in tens of thousands of local prayer gatherings coordinated by nearly 19,000 volunteer organizers across every state and U.S. territory. The Vatican confirms that prayer gatherings worldwide continue to unite people in spiritual solidarity with both nations.

For more information about the National Day of Prayer, visit

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