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Cathedral uses ‘crazy golf’ to get families through the door

Can crazy golf lead people back to Christ? That’s the hope of one British church.

Europe is considered “post-Christian,” meaning that the vast majority of the continent has left serious faith and only occasionally incorporates it into their daily lives. Church attendance is at historic lows and young people have fled in historic numbers. In Britain, only 28 percent believe in God.

But one church hasn’t given up on reaching souls for Christ and realizes it may take something unusual to get folks to step across the Church’s threshold.

Rochester Cathedral in Rochester, England has launched an assortment of activities to take place at the church in the coming weeks, including a full-fledged crazy mini-golf course. In addition, a fifty-foot tall helter-skelter (British for curly-Q tower slide) will be erected inside the enormous Anglican church.


“We hope that when people come in, they will know that they’re welcome and they will have an enjoyable experience,” Rochester Cathedral’s Rev, Canon Rachel Phillips told Premier News.

“So while people are here, having fun and playing crazy golf, they will take the opportunity to reflect on that wider theme of building bridges that they might find that they would like to pray, light a candle. Maybe talk to somebody.”

The ancient church, known as the home church of Queen Elizabeth when she’s in town, is a national treasure and popular tourist destination.

Ultimately, despite being unconventional, the goal for these events and activities is to get people into the church and for them to hear about Jesus, Phillips said.

The church is full of the faithful each Sunday, including in the youth choir.

“This is about welcoming everyone into the cathedral, letting people know that we’re here,” she said. “We’re open. It’s free to come in and everyone is welcome. We hope that we’ll reach more people with the message the good news that Christians have to bring that Jesus came to bring peace.”

Not everyone agreed, however. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, a former prelate at Rochester deemed the installation of a golf course to be rather ill-fitting for such a holy place of Christian worship.

“Crazy golf, helter-skelters and gin festivals are not in keeping with the sanctity of these wonderful places of worship,” he said, according to the Daily Mail. “These are places where people come to pray to God and you have to ask whether these events are befitting of this.”

The church hosts popular musicians like The Abrams for community concerts.

In addition, a priest from the neighboring county of Norfolk, Father James Mather, made a rather tongue-in-cheek remark about the bizarre initiative. “I imagine some small part of this venerable sacred building will be reserved for anyone who might wish to, er, say their prayers,” he said.

“We are very supportive of innovative ways to make buildings accessible to a new audience,” said a Church of England spokesperson. Archbishop Justin Welby is, himself, likely on board with the golf idea. Last year, he was quoted as saying, “If you can’t have fun in a cathedral, do you really know what fun is?”

The church is already known for a very forward-looking community attitude and draws thousands to hear a message of salvation through Jesus each Sunday.


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