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Great Awakenings! “Heartland to Holyland” tour of Israel


Have you dreamed of walking where Jesus walked? Of standing where David stood? Of touching stones that witnessed miracles?

That dream is closer than you think.

Anita and Dwight Widaman

This November, join fellow believers from across the Heartland for a journey that will transform forever how you read Scripture. Led by Dwight and Anita Widaman, alongside Pastor Clint and Kathe Decker of Great Awakenings of Kansas, you’ll experience 12 days that will change your life.

Israel isn’t just a destination – it’s the place where faith comes alive. As one rabbi beautifully expressed, it’s “the earthly crossroads of all that has unfolded, determining the affairs of peoples and nations since time began.”

Here, Scripture steps off the page and into your senses. You’ll feel the morning mist over the Sea of Galilee, hear ancient prayers echo off Jerusalem’s stones, and watch the sun set over the same waters Jonah once sailed. The Bible you’ve always known in black and white suddenly blooms into vivid color, revealing depths of meaning you never imagined.

Clint and Kathe

For 37 years, we’ve returned to this sacred land again and again, each visit revealing new treasures. Every journey brings fresh insights into the land, its people, and most importantly, the living reality of our faith. No one leaves Israel unchanged. The fog of misconceptions falls away, replaced by clarity and understanding that will stay with you forever.

This isn’t just a tour – it’s a pilgrimage of the heart. From the ancient steps of Jerusalem to the shores of Galilee, from bustling markets to quiet gardens of prayer, every moment is designed to deepen your faith and understanding. You’ll enjoy comfortable accommodations, savor local cuisine, and share meaningful fellowship with fellow believers, all while Pastor Decker brings Scripture to life at every stop.

The Holy Land is calling. Will you answer?

Join us this November. Let’s begin this extraordinary journey together.

Over the last 37 years, we have made dozens of journeys to the Holyland. Each time is new and refreshing. Each time provides exciting insights into the land, her people and current events but especially the Bible and our faith.

No one ever leaves Israel unfulfilled or disappointed. You return home having shed the fog of misperceptions, false media narratives and indifference. When you return home, you are different–Israel is now forever in your heart and always on your mind.

We want you to experience this with us. Come along! Let’s get started!

Making Your Holy Land Journey a Reality

The decision to walk where Jesus walked is more than a travel choice – it’s a step of faith. We understand the careful consideration this journey requires, from the investment of time to the financial commitment. But we also know the profound impact it will have on your faith and understanding of Scripture.

We believe this sacred journey should be accessible to as many believers as possible. That’s why we’ve worked diligently with our Israeli partners to create an experience that balances quality with value. We’re committed to helping you make this dream a reality.

Think of this not as a vacation expense, but as an investment in your spiritual growth – one that will transform how you read Scripture and understand your faith for years to come.

Review our itinerary below to learn more about this amazing opportunity. For more information call Dwight and Anita at 816-524-4522 or email

Dinner on the veranda of the King David Hotel, which holds a central position in the history of the modern-day founding of the Jewish nation.

DAY 1, Departure from the U.S.

The plane lifts off, and with it, your heart soars with anticipation. As you settle in and the world sleeps below, you’re not just crossing time zones – you’re crossing millennia, journeying back to where it all began. Your “My Journey to the Holyland” guide and notebook rests in your lap, ready to capture the moments that will transform your understanding of Scripture forever. But the best part? You’re with friends and family and individuals you’ll soon call friends.

DAY 2, Shalom and Welcome. Anticipation and Visions!

Ben Gurion Airport, Israel. Photo: Wikicommons.

It’s a sunny and warm afternoon in Tel Aviv as our plane touches down, and suddenly, the Bible isn’t just words on a page anymore – it’s the very ground beneath your feet.

DAY 3, Great Awakenings! Reset Your Clock to Biblical Time

Nazareth Village living history experience is on the site of ancient Nazareth.

Your first morning in Israel dawns with the salty breeze of the Mediterranean Sea. Eat breakfast then enjoy a stroll along the beach as before we board our coach bus for a short drive north, enjoying the coastal scenery.

Mount of Precipice overlooks the Jezreel Valley. Israel’s modern farming technology has made it a world leader in water conservation and agriculture. It annual donates millions of gallons of water to its Arab neighbor, Jordan

DAY 4, In the Footsteps of Jesus – Miracles and Ministry

Today we visit the “Miracle Triangle” of communities central to Jesus and his many miracles.

DAY 5, Along the Route of Abraham, the Jesus, and Paul’s “Road to Damascus”

DAY 6, We are Fishers of Men as we Travel to Jerusalem

Best She’an is one of Israel’s most prized Roman cities. Today you can explore its many streets and ruins which are sure to impress! The Cardo, or “main street” would have been filled with thousands of people in Jesus’ day.

DAY 7 Reflections on What Was to Come for Jesus

The Western Wall. The Second Jewish Temple stood above. Photo: Dwight Widaman.

DAY 8, Following the Path of the Passion of the Christ

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem. Photo: Anita Widaman. Metro Voice.

Stepping through the Eye of the Needle in the original city wall. Image: Dwight Widaman

DAY 9, Desert Journey of Kings, Scrolls, and Baptisms

DAY 10, The Biblical “Heartland” of Ancient Israel – Samaria

Jerusalem in the evening. Photo: Anita Widaman, Metro Voice.

DAY 11, The Big “Dig”: Become an Archaeologist

DAY 12, The Tomb is Empty! Final Reflections on What We’ve Seen

A scale model of Jerusalem from the Second Temple period sits outside the Shrine of the Book where the Dead Sea Scrolls are visible.

The Garden Tomb.

As your plane lifts off from Ben Gurion Airport, you carry with you more than photographs and souvenirs – you take the living reality of Scripture, experienced through every sense, etched forever in your heart.

Land price is $3397 all-inclusive

Your Investment Includes:

Not Included:

For solo travelers, there is an additional charge for a single room or you can choose to share a room if another solo traveler participates. Groups up to three can share a room.

Mobility and physical expectations

The daily itinerary is robust. On some days, there is a fair amount of walking, often over uneven pavement or outdoor rustic areas. There are also steps at numerous areas.  The tour is not advisble for individuals using wheelchairs or walkers, or for those for whom walking is a challenge. If this describes you, contact us and we can help arrange a trip that suits your particular needs and abilities. The distances for walking may be just from the bus to the entrance of the site, or along a paved nature path at Tel Dan. The walk through the Old City is punctuated by numerous instances where we stop and sit for a discussion of what we are seeing. It is recommended that if you are not in the habit of walking, you prepare yourself by walking each day before the trip to give you confidence in your stamina and steadiness.

The itinerary order above can change depending on highway detours or opening times of sites.

For more information call Dwight and Anita at 816-524-4522 or email

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