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My Pillow bank account canceled

lindell my pillow bank

My Pillow is once again the target of cancel culture. This time, Heartland Financial’s Minnesota Bank & Trust has notified CEO Mike Lindell they are closing his business account.

Lindell revealed in an interview that he “just got served the papers” informing him they’re shutting his presence down at the bank. The closure will be final Feb. 18, with Lindell given just a week to make other arrangements.” The coward served these papers on Friday afternoon, after the close of business day. They didn’t even bother to sign it.  It says, ‘Respectfully, Minnesota Bank & Trust…’ and it puts in here, ‘Should the account scheduled be closed with a negative balance on February 18th, a report will be submitted to check systems.'”

“The stated reasoning by the bank is said to be “a compliance review,” according to Lindell. The MyPillow founder stated it was previously because the bank didn’t want to be in the public eye.

“What cowards,” Lindell declared during Monday’s appearance. “They’re just cowards, unreal.” Lindell also disclosed at the beginning of the year that he faced a subpoena from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 committee, demanding his phone records.

Last year, leftist activist groups launched a boycott campaign against Lindell over his public backing that questioned the security of ballots and irregular ballot counting in the 2020 election.

It has gone as far as having Dominion Voting Systems filing a defamation lawsuit against Lindell the following month, citing $1.3 billion dollars in damages. Litigation in the matter is ongoing.

In the last two weeks, independent state reviews have found issues with Dominion’s process.


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