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Today’s News Briefs: TikTok searches; Georgia and Russia; Butter Chicken lawsuit; Trump jury

butter chicken

Here are your daily news briefs including the Trump jury instructions, Russia and Georgia, a lawsuit over India’s famous butter chicken dish and more.

Lawsuit over chicken recipe

Descendants India’s oldest restaurant are in a legal battle over the origins of butter chicken. A staple of culture, including Indian weddings and other gatherings, it is also popular in Indian restaurants the world over. It is created by adding a tomato-based gravy, butter and Indian spices to leftover tandoori chicken. The descendants, who now operate two separate restaurants, say the origins of the dish predate Indian independence in 1947, are both claiming the tagline “by the inventors of Butter Chicken.” The case will be heard in a Dehli court on Wednesday, May 31. Regardless of who wins, the dish will still be on the buffet of your favorite local Indian restaurant.

TikTok search engine worries many

It’s bad enough, say digital experts, that Google manipulates search results for users. Now, the Communist-owned TikTok is set to overtake Google and Yahoo as the search engine of choice for younger demographics. The company will be banned in the US in coming months if it does not find an American buyer. Almost 40% of young users now favor TikTok or Instagram for various searches, spanning from local dining options to fashion advice. “This trend underscores a larger shift towards relying on social media platforms rather than Google as the primary means of discovery,” stated Matthew Wodoward on Tuesday. He’s director of Search Logistics. The trend is concerning to many because China will be in a position to provide manipulate search results for users, possibly at the expense of more reliable results.

Trump Jury will receive instructions today ahead of deliberations

The prosecution in the New York Trump trial concluded closing arguments Tuesday night. Jurors had earlier in the day heard the defense. On Wednesday, they’ll be back in court to hear the judge’s instructions, a week after they were scheduled to have been heard. Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records though observers say that the prosecution has not met the burden of proof. “This case is about documents; it is a paper case,” Todd Blanche, Trump’s atorney said continuing that the charges are about whether Trump “had anything” to do with payments to his ex-attorney, Michael Cohen, on his personal accounting ledger. “The answer? The bookings were accurate and there was no intent to defraud and there was no conspiracy to influence the 2016 election,” Blanche said. “The proof doesn’t add up.” Meanwhile, prosecutor Joshua Steinglass said Trump concocted an elaborate scheme and everything he and his cohorts did was “cloaked in lies.”

Georgian parliament overrides veto of ‘foreign agent’ bill

The Republic of Georgia, once a stalwart ally of the US and Europe, is moving closer to Russia. On Tuesday, the parliament overrode a veto of the president of a bill that places undue burdens on foreign organizations operating within the country. The “Russian Bill” as it is nicknamed, follows a similar bill in Russia that targets ministries, foreign aid organizations and even universities that receive funding from Western groups. Thousands of Georgians protested in the streets in support of the President who had vetoed the bill. Russia is targeting the democratic Georgia in an effort to bring it back under the influence of Vladimir Putin.

Biden administration to help Cuban small businesses

The Biden Administration’s Treasury Department announced American support for small businesses on the Communist island of Cuba. The move, which could eventually include financial assistance, allows the businesses acces to banking servies in the U.S., something that has been banned since communists forcefully took over the island in 1959.  Critics are asking why Communist-linked businesses in Cuba need access to American banks at a time when the IRS is accused of snooping on American bank customers who make deposits of more than $600 into their accounts. In the United States, there’s been an increase of 22% in bankruptcies during 2024. About 50,000 businesses have gone bankrupt since 2021.
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