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Trump leaves office with long list of foreign policy achievements

The foreign policy accomplishments of President Donald Trump are being applauded this week as he prepares to leave office. The White House published a list of items, including other areas of government, this week. Even mainstream media outlets, generally critical of the administration over the last four years, are now pointing out the lasting positive legacy in areas like NATO and the Middle East.

Here’s a list of some of the things accomplished during the Trump administration.

Restored America’s leadership in the world and successfully negotiated to ensure our allies pay their share for our military protection.

Advanced peace through strength.

Renewed our friendship and alliance with Israel and took historic action to promote peace in the Middle East.

President Trump signs the order recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The act had been promised by three former presidents and written into law by Congress but never acted upon until President Trump.

Stood up against Communism and Socialism in the Western Hemisphere.

For a broader list of items visit the White House website before the new administration is expected to delete the information.

–Metro Voice

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