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Dan Crenshaw asks for prayers after threat to remaining eyesight


Congressman Dan Crenshaw of Texas is requesting prayers as he recovers from surgery for a detached retina.

“A few days ago, I noticed some dark blurry spots in my vision,” he said. “I went to get this checked out by an ophthalmologist on Thursday and they discovered that my retina was detaching. This is a terrifying prognosis for someone with one eye and the nature of the injuries I sustained in Afghanistan.”

Crenshaw, a Republican, said he had emergency surgery Friday morning in Houston and assured everyone that his wife Tara was by his side. “The surgery went well, but I will definitely be blind for about a month,” he said. “I have gotten through worse before, and I will get through this.”

He concluded the message by asking for prayers that his vision will return to normal. “Thank you in advance for your thoughts, prayers and support,” Crenshaw wrote.

The 37-year-old former Navy SEAL lost his right eye from an IED that detonated during a 2012 deployment in Afghanistan. Crenshaw learned that his right eye was destroyed in the blast and his left eye was badly damaged. After multiple surgeries and months of recovery, he regained sight in his left eye and went deployed twice more before medically retiring in September 2016.

Then in November 2018, Crenshaw was elected to represent the people of Texas’s Second Congressional District. Congress appointed him to the Homeland Security Committee and the Budget Committee, and he was named ranking member of the Oversight, Management, and Accountability Subcommittee of the Homeland Security Committee.

During an interview last year, Crenshaw says that he hopes to continue serving his country for many years to come. As one of the most recognizable Millennials in the GOP, he could be a factor in helping Republicans better reach younger generations.

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice

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