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Woke investment firms present risk to conservative states, Missouri treasurer says

Progressive environmental, social and governance metrics are giving investment funds an excuse to discriminate against states with conservative values. Missouri Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick expressed concern over ESG funds condemning states with pro-life ...

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15 tips for a summer of generosity

Summer is a great time to not only relax with the family but also to share the joy of giving. From overflowing backyard gardens to helping with VBS, there are numerous ways ...

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Walmart shareholders defeat abortion-friendly resolution

WalMart shareholders today voted down a resolution that sought to have the company spend money investigating how a Supreme Court ruling on abortion would affect employees. Pro-life leaders are warning pro-abortion shareholders ...

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What every homeowner should know about a recession

A recession does not equal a housing crisis. That’s the one thing that every homeowner today needs to know. Everywhere you look, experts are warning we could be heading toward a recession, ...

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All 50 states now have historic gas price above $4 a gallon

Kansas was one of several states Monday where the average price of gas rose above $4 bringing the total number of states to 50. Numerous states have prices above $5 a gallon ...

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“Suicide is the only way out:” cryptocurrency collapse panics investors

Cryptocurrency experienced a bloodbath on Thursday as digital currency continues its 2022 freefall. Bitcoin crashed to its lowest price in more than a year and other cryptocurrencies endured even more gruesome sell-offs ...

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White House cancels oil and gas lease sales as prices soar

The day after again blaming rising fuel prices on Vladimir Putin, the Biden administration is canceling major oil and gas lease sales on American territory. The move ended the sales of three ...

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Getting The Taxman Out Of Your Retirement — Part 2

Last month, in part one of this article, we discussed how you might be in a lower tax bracket in retirement, but pay a higher tax rate. In this article, we’ll look ...

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McDonald’s sales surge despite price increases


McDonald’s is crediting sharp menu price increases in beating first-quarter profits. It also says a new customer loyalty program may have helped. Shares of the Chicago-based company rose nearly 2 percent. The ...

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Getting the taxman out of your retirement — Part 1

One of the most overlooked, but perhaps most important, aspects of income planning is taxes and how they relate to retirement and Social Security. Taxation on Social Security benefits works differently than ...

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Missouri Republican legislators want to return $1 billion to taxpayers

Missouri Republican lawmakers have some good news for taxpayers as the filing deadline approaches. Republican legislators have announced a plan to use $1 billion from the state’s historic surplus for tax rebates. ...

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CNN slams children’s books that don’t espouse liberal ideology

cnn books

Last week, CNN published an opinion piece arguing that the “right-wing children’s entertainment complex is upon us.” Prominently featured as a case in point were the Tuttle Twins children’s books, created by Connor Boyack to offset ...

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Inflation rises at fastest rate in 40 years, now at 8.5%

New numbers out this week show that inflation is increasing at the fastest rate since January 1982. Economists say the consumer price index — which measures a basket of goods including gasoline, ...

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USDA expects food prices to increase by 5 percent this year

With warm weather on the way, families may want to think about growing some of their own food. Prices are expected to rise by 5 percent this year. That would be the ...

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Federal Reserve warns housing bubble is “Unhinged”

The country’s housing bubble may be about to burst, leaving millions of homeowners with mortgages that far exceed the value of their property. That’s according to new data from the Census Department ...

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Christian young adults give more than non-Christian peers, study finds

Christian adults aged 40 or younger donate three times as much money as non-Christians over the course of a year, a new study finds. “The study showed Christian young adults share more ...

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New Gold: Gas thieves steal 1,000 gallons at Texas convenience store

Gas is the new gold as the theft of 1,000 gallons from a Texas convenience store is proving. The almost unbelievable incident comes as stations across the United States have increasingly reported ...

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Dave Ramsey shares six tips for saving money on gas

As American consumers struggle with the highest gasoline prices in history, financial guru Dave Ramsey knows says there are several ways to ease the pain. He shared these six gas tips on ...

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Dave Says – Work first, play later

dave ramsey

Need some financial advice? Debt and income crisis? Pay off the house mortgage first? Check cashing? Taxes? Credit Cards? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey. Work first, play later Dear Dave, ...

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Retirement: The 401(k) / IRA IQ Quiz

When it comes to giving during retirement, there is one place that many are likely giving far more than they should: the Internal Revenue Service. As we’ve pointed out in previous articles ...

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Social Security and OIG to hold National Slam the Scam Day today

The Social Security Administration and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) are partnering to raise public awareness about Social Security imposter scams during the third annual “Slam the Scam” Day on ...

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Soaring gas price an ominous sign for Democrats in midterm elections

democrats gas

Spiking oil and gas prices are yet another threat to the ability of Democrats to hold onto power in November’s midterm elections. The average price for a gallon of unleaded this week ...

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Demands that Biden ban Russian oil find rare unity in Washington

The Biden administration continues to refuse calls to ban Russian oil imports. That could soon change. The demands are coming fast and furious and have been a rare point of unity between ...

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The cost of gas and driving is rising; here’s how to save

The prices Midwesterners are paying for gas are close to a dollar more than a year ago.  Prices rose 20-30 cents the day after Russia invaded Ukraine, and are now about 40 ...

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Russia invades causing Ukrainians to panic, worldwide market to plunge

Ukrainians are fleeing their nation with freeways and country roads across the nation backed up for hundreds of miles. Video of the capitol of Kyiv shows most city streets filled with cars, ...

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