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Dave Says: Expenses, Not Income

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Need some financial advice? Debt and Income Crisis? Pay off the house first? Check cashing? Taxes? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey. Dear Dave, I bring home $4,100 a month ...

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Conservatism Works: Trump Economy Offers Most Jobs in History

When Donald Trump won the presidential election, the doomsayers came out in droves. “Experts” predicted the worst: A crashing economy. Skyrocketing unemployment. Years of joblessness. Instead, the exact opposite is now happening. ...

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The Disturbing Shift Towards Socialism

Democrat primary wins are indicating that the Democrat Party is unapolgetically moving towards socialism. The following is from an editorial published in oThe Washington Post: Democrats want to talk about Republicans living ...

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GUARDING OUR EYES – Life Lessons from a Little One

We are surrounded with images devised to stimulate our senses and desensitize our minds. Cartoons, video games, movies and even commercials are filled with impure imagery that most of us are accustomed ...

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Even the Devil Believes in God – HOPE FOR TODAY by Clint Decker

“I believe in God.”  I have heard the statement many times in my years as a minister in rural communities across the Great Plains.  The regular at the local bar, the businessman, ...

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How to navigate the ‘deep water’ of social media


Social media often comes across as being less about being ‘social’ and more about the ‘me’ in media. Even the term ‘selfies’ reflects this as we capture moments of our lives in ...

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American media outnumbers protest in awkward reporting

nato protests

Cable news outlets reported it as a huge planned protest with thousands expected to fill the streets against President Trump during his appearance at the NATO summit. “Make Peace Great Again” organizers ...

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Dave Says: Postpone the Marriage?

dave ramsey

Need some financial advice? Debt and Income Crisis? Pay off the house first? Check cashing? Taxes? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   Postpone the Marriage?   Dear Dave, My ...

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BE THE BLESSING – Life Lessons from a Little One

My son has a keen eye when we are driving places. He’s always looking out the window and studying the surroundings passing us by. He’s really good at spotting people in need ...

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3 surprising reasons science isn’t done with God

The belief that science has an answer for everything seems universal. Often alongside it is the notion that God is therefore redundant and that believing in him is reminiscent of believing in ...

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The NBA season concluded the way that everyone thought that it would, a Golden State Warriors four-game sweep of the Cleveland Cavaliers. The only surprising thing about the outcome was that Cleveland ...

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Lessons of Gettysburg resonate today


With the focus on Independence Day celebrations this week, one of the most important moments in American history often goes unnoticed and even forgotten. Today marks the anniversary of the beginning three-day ...

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10 Biblical tips for a happy marriage


With summer comes broken air conditioners, long trips in the car, projects that are started but not completed, visiting relatives and other activities central to every family and marriage. Sometimes the summer ...

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Supreme Court has already ruled ‘zero tolerance’ policy is legal

While democrats and the media bristle at President Trumps call this weekend for illegal immigrants to be sent back without a court hearing, those critics may be forgetting one thing. The U.S. ...

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Truth vs. equivocation: What’s the foundation of your worldview?

Men, I’ll be honest. Winning isn’t everything …. Men, it’s the only thing!” (UCLA Bruins football coach Henry Russell ‘Red’ Sanders)   That quote seems to summarize much of our culture’s ethos and ...

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Is Life Worth Living? HOPE FOR TODAY by Clint Decker

Clay Center, Kansas – The fall of 1993 was one of the most difficult periods of my life. I was a sophomore at a Christian college, studying for a career in ministry.  I ...

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Today is Juneteenth — a holiday many Americans have never heard of, but need to know about

Many black Americans will commemorate an important day in our nation’s history today – a day that many other Americans have never heard of. It’s called Juneteenth. On June 19, 1865 – ...

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GRACE FOR TODAY – Life Lessons from a Little One

I write today after four weeks of many ups and downs with a sick little one. Four weeks that eventually landed us in the hospital for six long days and many sleepless ...

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Reflections on Father’s Day

The third Sunday in June is observed each year in the United States as Father’s Day. The origins of this national event are not clear. Some records suggest the act of honoring ...

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Christians Who Hate Trump

They are the Christians who hate Trump.  Let’s call it for what it is: hate.  It is their hate—strange for professed Christians—that dulls their ability to see the inaccuracy of their comments ...

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How Enrolled Agents Can Help You

Enrolled Agents (EAs) are federally-licensed tax practitioners who may represent taxpayers before the IRS when it comes to collections, audits and appeals. As authorized by the Department of Treasury’s Circular 230 regulations, ...

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Tuesday’s primaries show democrat “blue wave” not happening

The results in Tuesday’s primaries in eight states are an early indication that President Trump’s “America First” agenda and accomplishments are winning the support of the American people. This is good news ...

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Dave Says: Debt and Income Crisis

dave ramsey

Need some financial advice? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey. Debt and Income Crisis? Pay off the house first? Check cashing? Taxes? Debt and Income Crisis   Dear Dave, I ...

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Why unhealthy food Is cheap and plentiful

Every health-conscious person will tell you the reasons why the U.S. food market is such a mess. It’s fast food and corporate farming; we need to get back to local food and ...

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Russian hacking and The Brady Bunch


Sometimes, watching the media hyperventilate about Russian hacking, you might think you are watching an episode of The Brady Brunch. But instead of Jan annoyingly exclaiming, “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!” you hear the ...

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