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Where to Find Happiness


Have you ever said to a friend or family member, “I just want you to be happy.” as they were considering marriage, a new job or some other major decision? Where does happiness ...

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How the Medieval church changed the way Western society views marriage

church marriage

Joseph Henrich argues that the Western world got its uniqueness from family codes imposed by the church in the Early Middle Ages. The key parts of these codes were not restrictions on ...

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Can we just stop the crazy rapture prophecies?

rapture prophecies

Why all the rapture prophecies? Back in the 1970s, I used to joke that someone was going to write a book titled, Jesus Is Coming Back in the 1970s, only to publish ...

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You won’t believe how Communist China is rewriting the Bible

Metro Voice has previously reported how the Communist Chinese government is rewriting the Bible as they continue to persecute Christians. Now, a U.S. Congressman has written an op-ed outlining what’s happening as ...

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Good News: Air Pollution has plummeted since 1980

In June, as wildfires ravaged Canada, the Northeastern United States experienced heavy air pollution problems from the smoke. The out-of-control fires and subsequent pollution are a tragedy, certainly. But the fact that a ...

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The historically black neighborhoods of Kansas City explained

kansas neighborhoods

History had a lot to do with where Black neighborhoods were created on both the Missouri and Kansas side of the state line. Many of these neighborhoods were already established by the ...

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Panicked LGBTQ+ group declares ‘National Emergency’ as fed-up Americans push back


The Human Rights Campaign, a powerful and well-funded left-wing advocacy group, declared a “national emergency” for “LGBTQ+” people this week. It comes as the institutional Left senses that its dominance over our societal mores faces ...

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Palestinian leader denies there was ever a Jewish temple

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, in his now notorious speech at the United Nations on May 15, absurdly denied there was any proof of a Jewish link to the Temple Mount. In doing ...

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The cross: America’s only hope in a spiritual battle

If you take a few minutes to read any local or national news, you will find tragic stories. They often surround a person or group of people making poor moral choices that ...

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The naked public square and Lancaster, Pennsylvania


A couple of weeks ago I was in Lancaster, Penn., for the annual meeting of the Evangelical Press Association. I had been to Lancaster before, but this trip caused me to fall ...

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Mother’s Day: The interesting history of our most celebrated holiday

mother's day

Mother’s Day is the one day a year when children make a point to visit their moms. Hanging baskets, cards, flowers, candy, a picnic, or some other special meal commemoration ensues. But ...

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 The Centrality of The Cross 

All over the world there are signs of the cross of Christ. Churches prominently display it. Both the religious and non-religious drape it around their necks as a beautiful piece of jewelry. ...

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Jesus our Messiah and the ancient Jewish calendar

As we enter into the Passover-Easter season, we can learn a lot by looking at the Jewish calendar and Holy Days that God gave to His people. They are filled with prophetic ...

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Is It a Sin for a Christian to Use Transgender Pronouns?

It’s one thing for us to recognize that it is impossible for a man to become a woman or vice versa. But is it ever right to call a trans-identified person by ...

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Why you should be concerned by Biden’s digital currency plan

Digital currency

President Joe Biden signed an order on March 9, directing the Treasury Department, Office of the Attorney General and Federal Reserve to work together to produce a “legislative proposal” to create a ...

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Letter to the Editor: Kress Cambers for Fort Osage School Board

I am supporting Kress Cambers for Fort Osage School District Board of Education because he believes parents should have a voice in their children’s education at a time when some believe they ...

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Raquel Welch found peace in church


The statuesque film legend didn’t call attention to herself as she shared a pew with other conservative Presbyterians in their small church not far from Hollywood. She was articulate when discussing theology ...

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Today in Church History: Arthur Pink writes another letter

Arthur Pink is often described as an eccentric. He didn’t really fit in anywhere. Converted to Christ out of a theosophical background (the New Age movement of his day), he became a ...

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NYC Pastor: The Difference Between Revival, Renewal, and Awakening

renewal revival

The Asbury revival has brought much attention to the fact that God desires humanity to experience His presence, power, and reality. In light of the above, we need to distinguish the difference ...

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Metro Voice tours Kansas City’s new airport terminal

kansas terminal

On February 28, Kansas City will unveil its brand new airport terminal, a 1.1 million-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility that promises to provide a better experience for travelers. That’s good news for the area’s ...

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Today In Christian History: Dietrich Bonhoeffer sent to concentration camp

Deitrich Bonhoeffer

Deitrich Bonhoeffer made us ask “Where does a Christian fit in a nation which makes itself god?” The Lutheran theologian answered that the Christian’s duty is to resist such a regime. This ...

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NFL, Phoenix attempt to squash free speech during Super Bowl

phoenix bowl

A “Clean Zone” law implemented by Phoenix which gave the city and the NFL the ability to censor speech near State Farm stadium has been found unconstitutional. It’s a tale of two ...

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Today In Christian History: Evangelist Henry Alline


On Feb. 2, 1784, Colonial Evangelist Henry Alline died after just eight years of preaching a “heart relationship” with Christ. I do not wonder that it is so hard for you to ...

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Where are they now? Kansas City’s famous restaurants

kansas restaurants

From the earliest meals shared in what would become Kansas City, like bison cooked over a buffalo chip fire, the region has a stellar history of culinary delights. From the country clubs, ...

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History of Christianity: Part 1

history christianity

As part of our history series, Metro Voice is publishing concise, easy-to-read articles on church history. Here’s our first installment on the history of Christianity. THE APOSTOLIC AGE 30-100AD The Strength of ...

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