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Media Watch

FEMA responds to Kamala Harris’ remark on aid for hurricane survivors

The head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said that the administration will “support all communities” following a remark by Vice President Kamala Harris that “communities of color” would receive help prioritized above ...

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Don Hinkle, longtime editor of Missouri’s Baptist newspaper, dies at age 68


Don Hinkle, founding editor of The Pathway, the Missouri Baptist Convention’s newspaper, died last week at age 68. “Don was one of the smartest journalists in the industry today and brought a ...

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As Ukraine sees major victories, Russian media changes tone

russian media

As Russian forces retreat in the face of huge Ukrainian advances to take back their territory, Russian state-run media is starting to crack. The Putin-controlled media outlets, which almost exclusively dominates cable ...

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Communist China pays to influence American news: Report

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China is waging a multi-billion dollar global campaign to influence major news outlets to shape public opinion. That’s according to a new report that lays out how American media is profiting from ...

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Google bans Truth Social from Play Store ahead of election

Google is barring Truth Social from the Google Play Store, meaning a reported 44 percent of Americans can’t access the pro-free speech application. “Google is canceling conservatives ahead of an election. They’re ...

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Survey finds young people follow news, but

NEW YORK—Young people are following the news but aren’t too happy with what they’re seeing. They’re also abandoning Facebook as s source of news. That’s the conclusion of a study released Wednesday ...

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Twitter, Facebook ban pro-Democracy accounts that criticize China

Twitter and Facebook have banned over 100 pro-democracy accounts that criticized China, Russia and Iran. The social media companies allege that the pages and groups were pro-American and “used deceptive tactics” to ...

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More changes expected at CNN after Brian Stelter firing last week

Heads continue to roll at CNN after one of the largest management and talent shakeups in cable history continues. More changes are expected at the struggling network after it fired “Reliable Sources” ...

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Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook censored Biden Laptop story after FBI contact

zuckerberg laptop

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has admitted Facebook suppressed the reach of social media posts referencing the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election. The revelation came on ...

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Billy Graham internet ministry marks 10 years, millions saved

Search for Jesus, the internet evangelism ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, marked a milestone this month as it reached its 10th year of reaching the world online. In 2012, Search for ...

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World Economic Forum publishes article calling for global censorship

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The World Economic Forum (WEF) is proposing a system of global censorship creating using artificial intelligence. The organization, which is not known for espousing democratic principles, made the startling recommendation in an ...

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Facebook reverses censorship of post that men can’t get pregnant

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Facebook has reversed its decision to censor an independent think tank group that posted men can’t get pregnant. The social media giant claimed it was an “error” following public backlash despite initially ...

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Living in hostile environments, people share how Sat-7 satellite programs bring hope

Christian satellite television ministries like SAT-7 have grown significantly over the years. Some may ask themselves, “Do they make a difference?” The broadcast and online media ministry of SAT-7 offers current event ...

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China has “all your data” says Joe Rogan about TikTok

Communist China, is collecting data from  TikTok users warns Joe Rogan. The social media platform with ties to the Chinese government continues to deny claims it has compromised the privacy and safety ...

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YouTube to start deleting abortion videos

YouTube will begin removing videos that promote techniques to perform unsafe abortions and those they say feature false claims about abortion safety the company says. The crackdown will delete videos questioning the safety ...

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New ad campaign targets pro-abortion Catholic politicians

catholic campaign

Attacks on churches and crisis pregnancy centers have increased since the U.S. Supreme Court found Roe v. Wade unconstitutional. The latest was the attack on a Catholic church in Overland Park, Kan. ...

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Why are leading scientists rethinking the theory of evolution?

Evolution, as a theory for explaining how all life forms came to their present form, is regularly presented as “settled science” – an “irrefutable fact” for which there is no sound room ...

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“Abortion Involves Killing – and That’s OK!” Hollywood, others respond to Roe ruling

Not that anyone cares, but Hollywood, big business, big tech, and media personalities are rushing to condemn the Supreme Court which overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday. The court ruled that the ...

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Daily Mail confirms whistleblower: Google is throttling the news you see

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Google is throttling news not just in America but also in Britain, according to a whistleblower who admitted the data giant is purposefully dictating what news you see.  Searches are skewed and ...

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23 and counting: pro-life organizations firebombed, damaged ahead of court ruling

A rash of nationwide firebombings and vandalism of pro-life organizations in recent weeks has gone virtually unreported by the national media. The groups firebombed or otherwise attacked include pro-life educational non-profits and ...

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Elon Musk goes after YouTube scam ads

Elon Musk hates “scam ads” on YouTube, echoing the frustrations of millions of Americans. His Twitter comments criticizing the Google-owned company are leading to speculation it is his next take-over target. The ...

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Kansas City police release body camera footage that refutes media reports they shot unarmed woman

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Kansas City news outlets, including the Kansas City Star and local TV stations, have come under fire after they rushed to report an unarmed woman was shot by police. But there was ...

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Musk gets praise, barbs for Twitter takeover

Many leading conservatives and other free speech advocates continue to praise Elon Musk purchasing Twitter. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, tweeted simply, “Free speech is making a comeback.” Actor James Woods said, “I’ve ...

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Voice of America accused of pro-Islamist bias in reporting

voice of america

The Voice of America has a pro-Islamic bias, according to a watchdog group that has filed Freedom of Information Act request. The American Accountability Foundation is investigating allegations that VOA was amplifying ...

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Media honors Fox reporter Ben Hall as he describes injuries

ben hall

Media outlets around the world are speaking of the sacrifice made by a Fox News correspondent in his coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Benjamin Hall sustained serious injuries several weeks ...

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