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Catholic League criticizes Nancy Pelosi for remarks about her faith


The Catholic League has criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s response to a question about impeachment in a news release. As she was leaving her press conference on Thursday, reporter James Rosen asked her, “Do you hate the president, Madame Speaker?”

Pelosi was livid. She spun around and, pointing at Rosen, said, “I was raised in a Catholic house. We don’t hate anybody — not anybody in the world. So don’t accuse me of that.”

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Rosen replied that he never accused her of anything. Red hot with anger, she returned to the podium where she warned him, “don’t mess with me.” She labeled President Trump a “cruel” man. “As a Catholic,” she said pointing at the reporter with her hand visibly shaking, “I resent you using the word hate in a sentence that addresses me.”

'Don't mess with me': Nancy Pelosi responds to reporter asking if she hates Trump

The Catholic League cited several problems with her selective invocation of her Catholic status

“She would be well advised either to stop rejecting Church teachings on core moral issues or stop playing the Catholic card to justify her opposition to them,” the news release concluded.

–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice

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