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Christians launch effort to purchase Scottish island to keep it from Islamic terror preacher

christians island

Torsa Island. Image: Savills Realty Group.

A British vicar has launched an ambitious campaign to purchase Torsa Island, a remote and picturesque isle located northwest of Glasgow, Scotland. By partnering with Christians around the world to donate as little as $5, the goal is to keep it out of the hands of an Islamic group tied to terrorism.

Fr. Calvin Robinson wants Christians to buy this island.

The effort is headed by Father Calvin Robinson, a Church of England vicar who is opposed to an offer to buy the island made by an Islamic preacher who plans to turn it into an “Islamic State,” according to the UK’s Times newspaper.

In a story published by the BBC, Sheikh Yasser al-Habib and his organization, “launched a £3.5m fundraiser earlier this year using videos thought to have been taken at a viewing after the island went on the market last autumn.”

The BBC article says the island was being acquired by the Islamic group as a homeland for the preacher’s Madhi Servants Union, a controversial para-military group that runs military-style training camps across the UK. “Accounts run by Fadak Media on Facebook and Instagram announced earlier this year that they were founding a Mahdawi homeland, allowing the Shiites of Ahl Al-Bayt to be ‘settled in a special spot in the west’ for the first time,” the BBC reported.

The revelation of the Sheikh’s plans for the island motivated Robinson to rally Christians to purchase it instead.

Robinson says it was a  “Holy Spirit moment,” that led him to organize the campaign, which is taking donations from individuals from around the world.

“I felt inspired to snap the land up for Christendom instead,” he said in a blog post.  “It is time we became more proactive as Christians. So, I launched a crowdfund to do just that. I figured I have a decent number of followers; if we all chipped in £5/$5, we would have enough to buy the island with money left over for improvements.”

The island, whose name is likely derived from “Thor’s Island,” is up for sale for the first time in 85 years. The Christian group aims to transform the property into a Christian retreat and center, with plans to restore its existing buildings and establish a place of worship.

In a statement, the Christian group described Torsa as a “gem in the British Isles” that showcases the beauty of God’s creation. They see this as an opportunity to “reclaim the land for Christendom,” referencing a historical connection to Celtic Christianity.

The 235-acre island features a three-bedroom property, as well as several traditional stone farm buildings, which are currently in disrepair. The campaign’s goal is to raise £1.5 million to purchase the island, with additional funds allocated for the renovation of these dilapidated structures. The group has emphasized that restoring the old farm buildings, rather than constructing new ones, will help preserve Torsa’s environment.

Should the campaign succeed, the organization envisions creating a retreat centre for Christians, a place where individuals can disconnect from the busyness of modern life and spend time in contemplation. The group plans to host daily worship services and eventually expanding the site into a faith community. Long-term plans also include the possibility of monks growing local produce and crafting beverages, in keeping with historic traditions.

If the purchase is successful, the property will be placed in a trust to ensure it remains in Christian hands for generations. Donations will be refunded if the fundraising goal is not met.

Supporters are encouraged to donate funds or offer prayers for the campaign’s success. With an exchange rate of approximately $1.28 to £1, the group hopes to reach its goal in the near future.

To learn more, visit the GoFundMe page.

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice

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