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Extra shot of prayer: Starbucks barista offers hope in drive-through

starbucks prayer

Tanya Hinsley said she snapped this photo right after the Starbucks barista prayed with a customer. (Credit: Tanya Hinsley)


Although Starbucks is not known for promoting faith, an Arkansas woman recently was moved to see a barista serve up some prayer to a customer.

Tanya Hinsley was waiting in the Starbucks drive-thru with her teenage son last week. They drove to the Starbucks together to practice his driving skills, because he recently got a driver’s permit. Hinsley saw a Starbucks employee named Carrie praying with a customer at the front of the line.

“My son and I were having a discussion about how we loved that she stopped what she was doing and was bold in her faith and cared enough to pray with someone,” she told media outlets.

Hinsley said she was happy that her impressionable son saw it, thinking that many teenagers might be embarrassed to pray in public. She uploaded a picture of the prayer to Facebook hoping it would brighten someone’s day, and it ended up getting hundreds of likes and comments.

“I did however see this lady at Starbucks hilltop PRAY with a woman in the drive-through this morning because she needed it,” Hinsley wrote on Facebook. “Now this is worth talking about y’all.”

Hinsley also said she spoke with the Starbucks employee since posting on Facebook. She said Carrie was touched by the positive reactions. “Her heart is full from the kind words,” Hinsley said. “I think she was blown away.”

Hinsley said she was touched by Carrie “simply being a light for Jesus” and hopes the situation inspires others to demonstrate kindness.

“This act of kindness and boldness in faith given out to others daily by people like Carrie, gives me hope and reminds myself and hopefully others that being kind and praying for someone doesn’t cost anything,” she said.

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice

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