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Global Church Network launchig 800 leadership training hubs to fulfill Great Commission by 2030

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Image: Pexels.

The Global Church Network has set a goal of establishing 800 leadership training hubs worldwide as part of its mission of fulfilling the Great Commission by 2030. With the opening of hubs in both the Balkans and South Africa this month, the organization will have launched 200 hubs on six continents, putting the ministry on track to exceed its goal within this decade.

“Just like airline companies and major corporations have their hubs, the church should have global hubs of Christianity,” said James O. Davis, Ph.D., founder and president of the network. “In order for us to equip and educate one million new ministers in the body of Christ by 2030, we must move from production to reproduction, from addition to multiplication, which these hubs enable us to do.”

The hubs are launched at regional Finish Summits, which are international pastors’ gatherings convened to strategize for reaching their part of the world with the gospel message. During each summit, hub leaders are trained and launch dates are set, with the number of hubs launched reflecting the same number of nations represented at that summit.

Hubs then are connected with the Global Church Divinity School, making accredited online theological training available for the participants through a new partnership with the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Each hub “synergizes the best relationships, systemizes the finest training, strategizes for unreached people groups and in some cases, scripturalizes new Bible translations,” Davis said.

Today, the organization has hubs in some of the world’s hardest-to-reach places, such as Guyana in the Amazon, and in the highest places, such as Nepal’s Himalayan Mountains. In the United States, hubs are identified as regional campuses of the Global Church Divinity School hosted by local churches throughout the nation.

“Everything in the Global Church Network has a reason, rhythm and a ramp,” Davis said. “Nothing is random. Jesus said, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.’ We are praying for the Lord to raise up more hub trainers worldwide to help keep up with the growth of the global hubs of Christianity.”

–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice

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