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Josh McDowell to lead ‘The God Who Is’ conference


Josh McDowell


Few Christians would deny that at some point in their life, they felt under attack for their faith. Many don’t have the tools necessary to counter those attacks, and therefore they shy away from defending the Gospel.

In less than a month, legendary apologist Josh McDowell will help provide believers with those tools as one of the key speakers at Southern Evangelical Seminary’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics (NCCA), which for 25 years has been providing Christians with the knowledge and motivation to defend their beliefs in a culture that can be hostile toward Christianity.

For the 25th anniversary of the conference on Oct. 12-13, SES will focus on the theme of “The God Who Is,” as the seminary will welcome other top thinkers, scholars, authors, apologists and scientific minds—including McDowell’s fellow keynotes, Ravi Zacharias and Chip Ingram—who will address the thousands in attendance.

“Josh McDowell has been a trailblazer in the field of apologetics for a half-century,” said SES President and Evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land, who will also serve as a conference speaker. “He has written many books on defending the faith and knowing Jesus through His time here on this earth. We are honored to welcome him to the 25th annual National Conference on Christian Apologetics and know he will provide all in attendance with the knowledge, passion and fortitude they require to stand for Jesus Christ in our culture.”

McDowell has also spurred a generation to take up the cross in defense of the faith.

McDowell has been at the forefront of cultural trends and groundbreaking ministry for more than 50 years. His ministry serves and equips the body of Christ in raising generations of purpose-driven Christians who know what they believe, why it is true and how to live it out.

He has his finger on the pulse of the most pressing issues facing Christians, and he has written about or conducted research on topics such as pornography, the world of Generation Z and how fathers impact families.

A trailblazer for truth and relationships, McDowell shares the essentials of the Christian faith in everyday language so that youth, families, churches, leaders and individuals of all ages are prepared for the life of faith and the work of the ministry. Since 1961, McDowell has delivered more than 27,000 talks to over 25 million people in 125 countries. He has written or co-authored 148 books, including “More Than a Carpenter” (27 million copies have been distributed) and “New Evidence That Demands a Verdict,” recognized by Christian journalists as one of the top 40 books of the 20th century and one of the 13 most influential books of the last 50 years on Christian thought.

For answers to frequently asked questions about the conference, hosted by Calvary Church in Charlotte, click here. Registrations the conference topped more than 1,000 at the Aug. 1 early bird deadline and have already reached 1,300. A women’s conference is planned for Oct. 11 at SES’s new campus home in the rapidly growing area of West Ballantyne in Charlotte.

For more information call (800) 77-TRUTH.

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