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Palestinian governor says only “deviant mothers” send sons to die as martyrs

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The city of Nablus in PA controlled northern Samaria. Photo: Dwight Widaman,

Palestinian mothers are wrong to send their sons to die in clashes with Israeli forces, says an Arab Muslim governor in Samaria.

Ibrahim Ramadan, who leads the West Bank city of Nablus, is being attacked by fellow Arabs and the terror group Hamas after a radio interview in which he said Palestinian mothers are wrong glorify their sons as martyrs when they are killed in armed clashes with Israeli forces.

“Some deviant mothers send their sons to commit suicide attacks. There are those who think such a mother is a fighter but she is not. She is just sending her son to his death,” he said.

According to Ramadan, the current time is “not appropriate” to resist Israeli “occupation,” and he specifically pointing a finger at Palestinian militants.

Ramadan added that he had often approached Nablus militants with a request to hand over their weapons, thus receiving the protection of the Palestinian Authority. The former Fatah member of the Palestinian security forces says he intends to continue this effort.

The governor’s comments sparked outrage and condemnation from the Hamas terror group, which demanded his immediate resignation.

“The statements made by the governor of Nablus, in which he directly insults the resistance and the mothers of the martyrs are condemnable and irresponsible. They cross the line of the national and moral framework of the Palestinian people,” said the terror organization.

A mother of a dead Palestinian terrorist also slammed the governor. “Had he not himself been morally perverted and patriotic, he would not have insulted us, the martyrs’ mothers as ‘deviant,'” she said.

The newest Palestinian terror – Lions’ Den – also responded saying, “The mothers of the martyrs are the pearls of the crown. They are the reason we see the light at the end of the tunnel. We will not accept any insult of this kind.”

Nablus, in the heart of Samaria, is the Arab name for the ancient Israeli city of Shechem. It was here that Abraham offered his first sacrifice to God. It is also the site of Joseph’s tomb.

One of the four largest Arab cities in what the media refers to as the West Bank, it is governed by the Palestinian Authority as part of the mutually agreed-upon Oslo Peace Accords signed between the PA, Israel and the  United States under President Bill Clinton. Palestinians and media outlets continue to refer to the region is “occupied” by Israel even though the area is controlled by Palestinian civil structure and security forces.

–Metro Voice & wire services


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