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Tag Archives: confederate

The little-known Civil War history of Cass County

civil war cass

On July 11th the Burnt District presented a plaque marking the bloodiest battle of the Civil War in Cass County, Missouri.  It honors the Battle of the Ravines, and for history buffs ...

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Local cemeteries and history that cannot be forgotten

revolutionary cemetery

General Order Number 11, the attempt to destroy the history and peoples of Cass, Bates, Vernon, and parts of Jackson County, Missouri cannot be forgotten. While the action of the Union may ...

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Ely Parker: An American Indian’s lesson of unity in a divided country

ely parker

Ely Parker (born Hasanoanda, later known as Donehogawa) was born in 1828 to Elizabeth and William Parker of the Tonawanda Seneca tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy in western New York. Parker became ...

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Media shamed: ‘Not one question about children who were killed’ says White House press secretary

media children

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany shamed the assembled news media at the daily White House press briefing. McEnany said the media asked numerous questions about the Confederate flag but none about ...

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As Confederate monuments come down across U.S., Wichita memorial comes into question

In 2016, a monument honoring both Union and Confederate Civil War veterans was erected in Wichita’s Veterans Memorial Park. The Reconciliation Memorial replaced a Confederate flag that was taken down the year before following ...

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BET founder Robert Johnson says ‘white privilege’ is silliest expression as he mocks those taking down statues

Across the nation protesters are now destroying statues of those that ended slavery, as well as confederate statues, in their attempt to rewrite American history. On Wednesday, BET Founder Robert Johnson mocked ...

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Dr. Ben Carson on “ridiculous” statue removal: “we’re going to have to grow up as a society”

carson statues

Housing and Urban Secretary Dr. Ben Carson wouldn’t play games on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” Sunday. The respected cabinet member had some advice about the move to rename things and remove ...

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