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Tag Archives: depression

Mental health issues require biblical solutions

biblical solutions

America’s mental health is in alarming condition, and only biblical solutions can change it, a leading Christian counselor says. “We don’t have a mental health crisis; we have a mental health disaster ...

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Spring is great time to add more fruits and vegetables to diet

fruits vegetables

Spring is a great time to focus on healthy eating as locally grown fruits and vegetables start becoming available. “Of course, fresh produce is available year-round in many stores, but in-season fruits ...

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Time to get moving: Activity benefits mental as well as physical health

mental health

Spring is a great time to get active and start losing weight gained during the long winter months. Exercise also contributes to better mental health. “Physical activity can improve many mental health ...

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At Birthright, We Love Them Both


Connecting with an abortion-minded woman during a four-hour shift at Birthright in Kansas City is a very real possibility and one in which all volunteers are trained to handle. Being prepared to ...

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Many pastors still hurting in wake of pandemic

pastors pandemic

Although the pandemic is over, the human toll on pastors is still being felt. “At the height of the pandemic, we were losing up to 1,500 pastors a month in this country,” ...

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Exercise, diet and sunlight fight winter blues

winter blues

Despite the joy of the holiday season, the end of Daylight Saving Time marked the start of the winter blues for many people. “A more serious version of winter blues is called ...

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As winter approaches, stay active with these precautions

winter approaches healthy simple

As cold weather approaches that means it’s time to cut back on outdoor activities and hibernate during the winter. Right? Not so fast. “There is a seasonality to physical activity levels,” said ...

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Psychiatrist says church is cure for loneliness epidemic

loneliness epidemic

Americans, even many Christians, are experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. The U.S. Surgeon General calls loneliness a public health threat on par with smoking or obesity. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said ...

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Social media a top concern for parents: Tips to protect children

parents media porn sites

As schools across the nation are back in session, a new poll finds parents are increasingly concerned about the social media habits of their children. The vast majority of parents say internet ...

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Surgeon General warns social media affects mental health of minors

media minors

Social media use among minors can severely damage mental health, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy warned this week. “The most common question parents ask me is, ‘is social media safe for my kids?’” he said. ...

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Faith and mental health: A study of Gen Z

gen z

You’ve seen the headlines: Members of Generation Z are “shying away from religion” and “losing their religion.” One prominent religious demographer wrote that with Gen Z, “we have a picture of a ...

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Johnny Cash movie: His life, loves, challenges and successes


International superstar; honored by presidents; a jailbird and addict. Singer Johnny Cash knew great highs and great lows. What was The Man in Black’s legacy? 1969 saw over six million Cash records ...

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Experts: Parents should take steps to protect children in today’s culture

Today’s children face unprecedented dangers, many of them with spiritual roots, yet many parents are asleep at the wheel. “Anxiety, depression, panic disorders have gone up among kids I’ve seen in my ...

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Have we reached the point of crisis news fatigue?

crisis news

The news does not lack from a daily stream of crisis coverage. But there are ways to stay engaged and not become numb to needs. When Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of ...

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New ‘The Chosen’ documentary engages Gen Z with Jesus

chosen z

The makers of the popular Jesus series “The Chosen” got heartwarming reactions of the show from Generation Z in a recent experiment. Much has been made of the fact that Gen Z ...

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5 statistics that prove Christians defy stereotypes

Let’s begin with a caveat about these statistics. Nothing in the following paragraphs indicates that every church is healthy or that there aren’t issues for self-reflection and repentance. Far from it. Churches ...

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Rudy from The Cosby Show stars in ‘My Brother’s Keeper’

my brothers keeper

The story in the film My Brother’s Keeper is a familiar story to many military service members who return from deployment. It’s also the story of those who strive to help them. ...

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Hallmark giving away a million cards to help encourage people

hallmark cards

Hallmark Cards is giving away one million cads from its Real Stories collection to inspire people to support their loved ones throughout life’s ups and downs and strengthen their relationships through regular ...

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4 ways pets help impact health and wellness

Daily life across the country has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and in times of isolation, relationships – even pets – are as important to health and wellness as ever before. ...

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Commit to getting the care you need as you age

Older adults in America are living longer lives and will outnumber people under the age of 18 by nearly 500,000 by 2034, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. However, living longer does ...

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Loneliness increasing among all age groups, Harvard study finds

Churches and ministries may need to pay careful attention to people experiencing loneliness brought on by lockdowns and social distancing. More than three in 10 Americans feel “serious loneliness,” according to a ...

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My six days behind the Iron Curtain, and why it matters today

Iron Curtain

Yes, I spent six days behind the Iron Curtain. In the summer of 1981, I sang with a group called, “The Continental Singers.”  After a two-week rehearsal camp, we started our tour ...

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New Christian music addresses mental health issues from pandemic

music health

Amid hardships brought on by the pandemic and lockdowns, multiple Christian music artists have homed in on the needs of their communities. New releases speak directly to those dealing with increased mental ...

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Half of households with children concerned about food security for the next month

The new year would be a good time for churches and individuals to step up to help feed the hungry. Less than half of households with kids in the United State are ...

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How to NOT Have a Blue, Blue, Blue Christmas

blue christmas

Since long before Elvis Presley first crooned those famous lyrics in 1957, Thanksgiving through the New Year has been a lonely reality for many who feel that “you might be doing all ...

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