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Tag Archives: eggs

Missouri is buzzing with sound of rare double brood of cicadas


Billions of cicadas will provide the soundtrack for the Missouri summer of 2024. Two broods emerged at the same time this year. This last happened in 1803 and won’t happen again for ...

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Easter Eggs help Ukrainian women reclaim religious freedom

ukrainian eggs

Pysanka, or Ukrainian Easter eggs, are those distinct and intricately flourished orbs painted in crimsons and cobalts, with symbols of flowers, chickens, deer and other organic indicators of the rebirth of spring. ...

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Eggs really are incredible!

Can’t figure out whether eggs are as incredible as they say? You’re not alone. These grocery store staples have been like ping-pong balls in the health community. First they’re good, then they’re ...

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Shakshuka Recipe from Jerusalem

One of the yummiest things we enjoyed in Israel was shakshuka. It is a well-loved Israeli dish popular for both breakfast and supper. It is one of the most savory things you’ll ...

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