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Tag Archives: gen z

Gen Z reading Bible more, looking for authenticity, survey finds

gen z bible

The recent State of the Bible survey from the American Bible Society offers a ray of hope for younger generations. More than 20 percent of Gen Z adults say they have increased ...

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Today’s News Briefs: Is this woman the missing 8-year-old?; Putin threatens; Japan and drinking; Raffah push may end soon

woman gen z

Here are today’s news briefs including a woman who claims she a girl who disappeared 50 years ago from a bus stop; Gen Z drinking less; Putin threatens West, and Israel makes ...

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More young adults say Bible transformed their lives

bibles hotel adults bible

Despite the well-documented rise of religious “nones,” new research found that the share of young adults who believe the Bible has had a transformative effect on their lives has increased. “Our youngest ...

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Societal changes have Gen Z searching for meaning

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Despite the overall decline of faith in American life, there are signs that members of Generation Z are searching for meaning. Christian campus groups at universities have seen growing interest from college ...

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Gen Z expresses curiosity about faith in new survey


Generation Z may be a bright spot in an otherwise increasingly secular culture. Forty-four percent of Gen Z adults between the ages of 18 and 26 are either very or extremely curious ...

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Vinyl record craze shows no end in sight


Over the past decade, vinyl records have made a major comeback. People purchased $1.2 billion of records in 2022, a 20% jump from the previous year. Not only did sales rise, but ...

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Americans identifying  as LGBT doubled in past 10 years

Twice as many Americans now identify as LGBT than a decade ago, a new Gallup poll found. The share of Americans who identify as LGBT reached a record 7.2 percent in 2022 ...

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Faith and mental health: A study of Gen Z

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You’ve seen the headlines: Members of Generation Z are “shying away from religion” and “losing their religion.” One prominent religious demographer wrote that with Gen Z, “we have a picture of a ...

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New ‘The Chosen’ documentary engages Gen Z with Jesus

chosen z

The makers of the popular Jesus series “The Chosen” got heartwarming reactions of the show from Generation Z in a recent experiment. Much has been made of the fact that Gen Z ...

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Social media loses popularity among younger generations

As concerns about the negative impact of social media on young people continue, the popularity of the apps is waning. Those born in the late 1990s and early 200s are turning their ...

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Ministry turns to social media to reach younger generations for Christ

Popular social media channels were used to lead nearly 200,000 young people to Christ last year by Groundwire, which ministers to Millennials and Generation Z youth. “We’re not going after the atheists,” ...

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Fellowship of Christian Athletes distributed 200,000 Bibles in 2021

fellowship bibles

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which is based in Kansas City, handed out more than 200,000 Bibles in 2021. “I believe one of the reasons God continues to bless the Fellowship of ...

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Contrary to what you’ve heard, millennials are becoming MORE religious

I thought the subject of this article might grab your attention because it is not what we are generally hearing about millennials and Generation Z these days. For example, the Wall Street ...

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Meds, social media linked to Gen Z suicide rise?

Gen Z suicide rates have spiked to the highest level in nearly two decades for that age range. A report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association says it’s now ...

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Living at home a stigma after what age?

A new study says living at home with your parents after college isn’t embarrassing when you’re in your early 20s but as you get older it may be. Current parents, millennials and ...

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