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Tag Archives: jesus

Biblical Israel: Garden of Gethsemane


Mark and Matthew identify Gethsemane as the place Jesus went with his disciples after eating the Passover meal within the city of Jerusalem. This was just prior to his arrest (Matthew 26:36; ...

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‘Turn Your Season Around’: Baseball legend Darryl Strawberry on winning the game of life

Few people understand the highs and lows of baseball – and of life itself – better than Darryl Strawberry. His storied career with the New York Mets, Los Angeles Dodgers and New ...

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Consider the Cross: Stories from Arab and Persian viewers of Christian television

consider cross

Across the Middle East and North Africa, people are coming to Christ as a satellite TV ministry encourages them to “Consider the Cross.” Sat-7 is a Christian satellite broadcasting ministry reaching into ...

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American Indian pastor embraces his culture to share Jesus

indian jesus

People don’t grow into mature Christians until they serve others, says American Indian pastor and ministry leader Bruce Plummer. “I just believe serving people first is so critical when you want to ...

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Michael Youssef warns pastors against woke culture in churches

youssef woke culture

Dr. Michael Youssef, best-selling author and pastor of Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, warns pastors about embracing “woke culture” in their churches saying it’s “popular and appeals to the flesh.” “Bowing ...

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How to find peace in a divided nation


As President Joe Biden begins his leadership of the United States, he has made calls for peace, reconciliation and unity in the nation.  Former President Donald Trump issued similar thoughts in some ...

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Bestselling author Dr. Michael Youssef brings Americans ‘Hope for This Present Crisis’

crisis woke culture youssef

Is it possible our world has gone mad? We are in crisis, under siege, and the war is not from without; it is from within. The collapse of the Roman Empire occurred ...

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Topeka Rescue Mission Partners with Blue Cross / Blue Shield to feed the hungry

Topeka Rescue Mission

A pandemic affects everyone in some way, but the poor most of all. Many can’t get jobs or provide food for their families. Thankfully, there are programs that can help, such as ...

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Driven by God to speak up on social issues

social issues

This is an often-asked question, “Should a pastor or other Christians address cultural or social issues or just keep focused on the gospel?” Sometimes speaking on culturally touchy subjects can cause division, ...

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Sight & Sound to broadcast ‘Jesus’ live from Branson

sight jesus

Sight & Sound will broadcast its original production of “Jesus” live from Branson for Easter. “For more than 40 years, audiences from all over the world have been coming to Sight & ...

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Was Rush Limbaugh saved? Friend and wife share his faith journey

Rush Limbaugh’s faith was increasingly important to him in the years leading up to his death last week, according to a friend and his wife. Interest has grown surrounding Limbaugh, who mostly ...

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How should we respond to the Ravi Zacharias scandal?

zacharias memorial

In the aftermath of the shocking and tragic news about the sex scandal involving Ravi Zacharias, someone wrote me asking, “Would you consider writing something in regards to the Ravi scandals? I ...

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NFL Man of the Year Russell Wilson preaches on love in acceptance speech

Quarterback Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks quoted from I Corinthians last weekend as he accepted the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award. “To America, to the world, love is ...

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Perfect peace in the midst of troubling times

perfect peace

In 1555, Nicholas Ridley was burned at the stake because of his witness for Christ. On the night before Ridley’s execution, his brother offered to stay with him in his prison cell ...

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To Christians who voted for Biden: Did you not see this coming?

For the last four years, those of us who voted for Donald Trump and who identify as committed followers of Jesus have been asked incessantly, “How could you vote for him? If ...

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Palestinian leader: Jesus was a suicide bomber to be imitated

The Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority has said Jesus was a suicide bomber who shows young Arabs how to practice “martyrdom-death.” The startling comments came during a Christmas dinner last week. ...

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Billy Graham book ‘Til Armageddon’ being rereleased

Although Billy Graham died before the tumultuous year of 2020, his words about suffering and armageddon are as timely as ever. He examined the topic of suffering in his 1981 (see below) ...

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Pastor once held in Turkish prison tells U.S. Christians to prepare for persecution

Christians in the United States can expect persecution to come in the near future, says Pastor Andrew Brunson who was unjustly locked up in a Turkish prison for two years Brunson, 52, ...

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Archaeologists may have found Nazareth childhood home of Jesus

The remains of the first-century home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph may have been found, a British archaeologist says. Ken Dark, a professor of archaeology and history at the University of Reading, ...

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How to have hope for a difficult Christmas season

Christmas carols fill the air; smiles and laughter are everywhere. A drive through town reveals glistening windows boasting of tasty holiday treats and shiny red ribbon. Twinkling lights dance in unexpected places ...

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6 ways to make Christmas more meaningful at home

It was breathtaking . . . simple, yet incredibly elegant. After a quick stop at the dollar store for Christmas supplies, I hurried home to recreate the festive showpiece that had caught ...

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Ben Roethlisberger seeks to live like Christ as Steelers lead NFL

The 2020 Pittsburgh Steelers have done something that no other team in the history of the storied franchise has ever managed to accomplish: begin a season 8-0. Led by head coach Mike Tomlin and ...

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Inspiration led to Ears to Hear Collection

Ears to Hear

“Ears to Hear.” That’s the inspiration that Jerry Hudgins received about two years ago. He didn’t act on it right away, though. “The timing was not right,” he said. So he waited. Now, ...

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Fueled by mercy, kindness wins

If Jesus hadn’t gotten a hold of me almost 20 years ago, there might have been a fight yesterday. But, since he and his mercy never gave up on me, kindness won. ...

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Christian music icon John Michael Talbot says keep your eyes on Jesus during the storm


Acclaimed musician John Michael Talbot has advice for Christians as they process the results of the recent elections. “Don’t be overly exhilarated if your candidate wins, and don’t be overly depressed if ...

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