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Tag Archives: mental health

Mental health issues require biblical solutions

biblical solutions

America’s mental health is in alarming condition, and only biblical solutions can change it, a leading Christian counselor says. “We don’t have a mental health crisis; we have a mental health disaster ...

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Ministry financial watchdog developing ministry ‘standard’ for leadership care


The ongoing scandal at International House of Prayer KC is just one of many allegations of misconduct that continue to roil the church. The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability is responding by ...

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Spring is great time to add more fruits and vegetables to diet

fruits vegetables

Spring is a great time to focus on healthy eating as locally grown fruits and vegetables start becoming available. “Of course, fresh produce is available year-round in many stores, but in-season fruits ...

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John Piper on energy drinks affecting spirituality

energy drinks

Jesus’ disciples fell asleep instead of praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Would energy drinks have helped? Bible teacher John Piper recently addressed the question of whether caffeinated drinks such as energy ...

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Need a media break? Here are five signs to watch out for

The negative effects of social media on children have been hotly debated. Adults also may benefit from reduced screen time. Here are five signs that it may be time to take a break ...

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50 survivors of Hamas massacre at music festival have taken own lives

hamas festival

Nearly 50 survivors of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on a music festival have committed suicide. The shocking number comes as survivors gave testimony before Israeli lawmakers and the country struggles to ...

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Time to get moving: Activity benefits mental as well as physical health

mental health

Spring is a great time to get active and start losing weight gained during the long winter months. Exercise also contributes to better mental health. “Physical activity can improve many mental health ...

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Silent Stories Lost in the middle of Pro-life/Pro-choice debate


Lost in the middle of the Pro-life/Pro-choice debate sit millions of women and men impacted by their abortion experience. Abortion is arguably one of the most heated discussions in today’s culture. Both ...

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Experiencing awe quite literally improves your health


The world needs more “awe,” says Twitter account Culture Critic (@Culture–crit). The account regularly posts messages about culture, past and present, and how much we have seemingly lost to “progress.” It also ...

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“Touched by an Angel” star writes children’s book based on her childhood

messiah burnett book roma downey

Being a child is harder than ever in today’s secular culture. Actress Roma Downey, who starred in the hit television show “Touched by an Angel,” is helping make the journey easier with ...

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Tips to get out of the occasional spiritual “blahs”


Everyone has heard of the winter blues and the post-holiday blahs. At some time, most Christians experience the spiritual blahs as well, former magazine editor J. Lee Grady said. He offers 10 ...

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Prayer beats holiday stress, says “The Chosen” star

chosen prayer

Prayer is the best antidote for the busyness of the holiday season, said Jonathan Roumie, star of “The Chosen” and “Jesus Revolution.” During an interview with Fox News, the 49-year-old actor talked about ...

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Many pastors still hurting in wake of pandemic

pastors pandemic

Although the pandemic is over, the human toll on pastors is still being felt. “At the height of the pandemic, we were losing up to 1,500 pastors a month in this country,” ...

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Exercise, diet and sunlight fight winter blues

winter blues

Despite the joy of the holiday season, the end of Daylight Saving Time marked the start of the winter blues for many people. “A more serious version of winter blues is called ...

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As winter approaches, stay active with these precautions

winter approaches healthy simple

As cold weather approaches that means it’s time to cut back on outdoor activities and hibernate during the winter. Right? Not so fast. “There is a seasonality to physical activity levels,” said ...

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Things to remember when your friend (or you) is suffering


Every few years I return to the biblical Book of Job, the best guidebook I know for dealing with suffering and loss. It’s an ancient work with timeless applications. I’m not sure ...

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David Berkowitz: “Son of Sam” becomes a son of God

Meet the transformed David Berkowitz in Dr. Michael Caparrelli’s new book, Monster Mirror. Is there any act too evil for God to forgive? Although we cannot grasp God’s mercy, we encounter a ...

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Small, unexpected things can bring happiness, new poll finds

happiness poll

Happiness seems to be in short supply with all of the turmoil in the world today. The good news is that small, unexpected things can bring a smile when it’s needed most, ...

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Church Mental Health Summit will offer free online resources to leaders

mental summit

The pandemic exposed the mental health challenges that churches face. A free online summit on October 10, which is World Mental Health Day, will offer resources to church leaders. The Church Mental ...

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Research and the Bible agree: Generosity is good for you


Generosity, a fundamental virtue of all cultures, finds profound expression in the Bible as benefitting the giver and receiver. New research supports those beliefs. In addition to offering moral instruction, scriptures highlight ...

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Psychiatrist says church is cure for loneliness epidemic

loneliness epidemic

Americans, even many Christians, are experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. The U.S. Surgeon General calls loneliness a public health threat on par with smoking or obesity. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said ...

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The death of church and pub

church pub

The nature of community is changing. The old village has gone. One can lament the passing of parish church and village pub, but the type of community that birthed them has gone ...

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Social media a top concern for parents: Tips to protect children

parents media porn sites

As schools across the nation are back in session, a new poll finds parents are increasingly concerned about the social media habits of their children. The vast majority of parents say internet ...

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Majority of pastors feel lonely and isolated at times, Barna study finds

church pastors lonely

Two-thirds of pastors felt lonely or isolated at times last year, a new survey by the Barna Group found. That number is up significantly from 42 percent in 2015. At the same ...

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Well-being of pastors has dropped in several key areas since 2015, study finds

church pastors lonely

The well-being of pastors in several key areas has significantly declined since 2015, a new report from Barna Research found. When it comes to having true friends, 20 percent of pastors in ...

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