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Tag Archives: persecution

“God’s Smuggler,” Brother Andrew dies at 94

Brother Andrew, famously known as “God’s Smuggler,” has died at the age of 94 at his home in the Netherlands, according to a family spokesperson. Born Anne Van der Bijl, the defender ...

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This weekend’s March for the Martyrs highlights persecuted Christians

March for the Martyrs

Christians from across the United States will gather at the National Mall in Washington on Saturday for the third annual March for the Martyrs, sponsored by the organization For the Martyrs. The ...

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Entire church congregation remains in limbo after fleeing Hong Kong

A congregation of Christians continues to seek asylum after fleeing Hong Kong.  The group remains in Thailand asking the United Nations refugee agency for protection from religious persecution at the hand of ...

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Remaining Christians in Afghanistan persecuted by government, family members

Christians who remain in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover last summer routinely face persecution and torture from the Taliban government. “There are still Christians in Afghanistan,” said Todd Nettleton, an author and ...

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Free app facilitates prayer for persecuted Christians around the world

silent genocide prayer

A new mobile prayer app developed by Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors USA gives users the ability to connect with persecuted Christians suffering for their faith. Available for free in the Apple ...

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Biden targeted with $1 million ad campaign over silence on church attacks

biden attacks

Pro-life groups are challenging the Biden administration to stop the spiraling violence against churches. The largest effort is a $1 million ad campaign with the aim of pressuring President Joe Biden into ...

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Judge rules in favor of Canadian pastor jailed for holding services during lockdown

Artur Pawlowski, the Canadian pastor who was jailed for holding church services during Alberta’s pandemic lockdown, has won a major victory in court. An Alberta appeals court panel ruled that the health ...

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Taliban denies Christians exist in Afghanistan. Here’s why it matters

Husain Andaryas was a religious fighter in the war against the invading Soviet army in Afghanistan in the early 1980s, but almost a year after the Soviets left, he converted to Christianity. ...

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800 African Islamic terrorists killed in multi-national operation

Just a week after over 50 Churchgoers were murdered in one attack, it is being reported that 800 Boko Haram and ISIS terrorists have been killed in a coordinated multi-nation offensive. The ...

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“Vile and satanic attack” leaves dozens of Nigerian churchgoers dead

Victims are still being identified after dozens of churchgoers are dead after a terrorist attack in Nigeria on Sunday morning. Terrorists rode up on motorcycles and began shooting those who showed up ...

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Iranian Christian explains the plight of women

iranian women

Iranians have recently been shocked by the news of two “honor killings” of women, including one woman believed to have been killed for her faith in Christ. Iranian Christian Omeed Jouyandé discusses ...

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INTERVIEW: The ‘silent genocide’ against Christians in Nigeria

silent genocide prayer

“A silent genocide is going on against Christian communities in Southern Kaduna.” That’s the assessment Jonathan Asake, President of the Southern Kaduna People’s Union in Nigeria. For seven years, Christian communities in the ...

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7 encouraging trends in Christianity for 2022

encouraging trends

The news for persecuted Christians looks grim this year with an increase in persecution expected. But there are encouraging trends that bode well for the church. As we go about our daily ...

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World regions where persecution will increase this year

If Covid taught us one thing, it was that both governments and religious majorities around the world used the pandemic as cover to persecute Christians.  In many countries, believers in Christ faced ...

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Ugandan man hangs wife, children, for accepting Christ as saviour

Ugandan police continue to search for a Muslim man accused of killing his wife and children because they received Christ as their personal Lord and Savior after attending a church service. According ...

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Marking Christmas, Israeli Christians are ‘thriving’ while Middle Eastern brethren face persecution

While Christians are facing persecution and shrinking numbers throughout the Middle East, Israeli Christians are facing a different reality with growing numbers and high quality of life. The number of Christians in ...

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Nigeria’s Christians celebrate Christmas in face of terror threats

Throughout Nigeria’s troubled northern states Christian believers headed to church on Christmas eve with brave faces. Even in the northernmost state of Sokoto, the heart of Nigeria’s Islamic region, more than 5,000 Christians ...

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International Christian Concern ranks top Christian persecutors for 2021

The Taliban, Kim Jong un and Nigeria are the top persecutors of Christians as ranked by International Christian Concern. The organization ranked Nigeria as the worst country for religious freedom in 2021. ...

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Sunday, November 7, will be International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians

sunday christians

Christians around the world will join in prayer for the persecuted church this Sunday. The International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians initiative is an annual event launched more than two decades ago ...

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From New York to Pakistan, brothers fight blasphemy law

Christians in Pakistan are often relegated to undesirable jobs such as manual sewage cleaning, but Nadeem Samson’s small business selling herbal medicines was doing so well in 2016 that he out-earned his ...

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Sam Brownback joins Open Doors USA to combat Christian persecution

brownback open doors

Sam Brownback, former Ambassador for International Religious Freedom under President Donald Trump, has joined Open Doors USA as a senior fellow. “Open Doors USA is a leading global advocate for Christians and ...

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Glenn Beck helps evacuate more than 5,000 people from Afghanistan

beck afghanistan

Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck is putting his money where his mouth is. His organization the Nazarene Fund has rescued 5,100 Christians and other at-risk people from Afghanistan after the Taliban ...

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Media ministry SAT-7 reaches out to Christians trapped in Afghanistan

sat-7 afghanistan

The Middle Eastern media ministry SAT-7 is providing a lifeline for isolated Christians in Afghanistan as the resurgent Taliban go door-to-door, executing believers who refuse to renounce their faith. “We’re hearing from ...

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Nigerian church worships in church destroyed by government

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria—For years Christians in Nigeria’s Borno State have watched ISIS terrorists burn their churches, but now they say the government itself is tearing them down. Now, Nigerian Christians are asking is there ...

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Open Doors USA encourages approval of religious ambassador nominee

religious ambassado

Open Doors USA is urging fast approval of Rashad Hussein as ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom in the Biden administration. “Hussain is a well-qualified nominee with a deep understanding of the factors ...

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