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Tag Archives: politics

Supreme Court to hear college affirmative action case with far-reaching implications

supreme college decisions court loan planned

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday will hear a case on whether to continue to allow racial preferences to be used in college admissions. “That would be a sea change in American ...

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Judicial Watch lawsuit battles states extending election day by two weeks

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

A federal court rejected a motion by the Democratic Party of Illinois to intervene as a defendant in our lawsuit challenging an Illinois election law permitting mail-in ballots to be received as long as ...

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Missouri 2022 Ballot Measures

missouri measures recommendations amendments

The following ballot measures have been certified for the November 8, 2022 general election. Amendment 1 Proposed by 101st General Assembly (First Regular Session) HCS HJR 35-Griesheimer Do you want to amend ...

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Australia’s new liberal government ditches recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

The Australian left-wing Labor government has created a diplomatic crisis after it reversed the previous government’s policy of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the country. Taking to social media on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Yair ...

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Prophecies about 2020 election should be wake-up call, Christian author says

christian prophecies

As the midterm elections approach, Christian author Michael Brown says false prophecies about Donald Trump’s reelection should serve as a “wake-up call to the charismatic church.” Brown, whose columns often appear in ...

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New rule requires gun dealers to report addresses of some purchasers

The FBI last week quietly initiated the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The new program will collect the addresses of gun purchasers with intent of curbing gun crimes by flagging ...

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Absentee voting in Missouri and Kansas to begin

missouri kansas absentee

This is expected to be one of the biggest midterm elections in terms of voter participation. That includes Kansas and Missouri where absentee voting is set to begin this month. But before ...

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Pro-life group Susan B. Anthony will spend big bucks in Nov. midterms

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a national pro-life grassroots advocacy organization, expects to spend $78 million during the 2022 midterm election cycle. “We are on track to reach eight million voters across ...

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The church has allowed culture to dilute Christianity, says author David Limbaugh

The culture has been destroyed by leftism and needs to be called back to the eternal truths of scripture, Missouri author David Limbaugh says. Limbaugh and his daughter, Christen Limbaugh Bloom, wrote ...

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National Review editor blasts Kansas Gov. Kelly for cynical ad about men playing women’s sports

kelly sports

Kansas governor Laura Kelly, a Democrat running for reelection, released an ad last week saying, “You have seen my opponent’s attacks. So let me just say it: Of course men should not play girls ...

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‘Commitment to America’ outlines Republican goals after election

Republicans are hoping a new agenda, to be enacted should they take control of Congress in November, will motivate the party faithful and independents to actually vote. “Commitment to America,” a multi-point ...

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Christian group to spend up to $42 million in midterm elections

The Faith & Freedom Coalition, a social conservative national grassroots organization headed by longtime Christian activist Ralph Reed, will spend between $36 million and $42 million on a nationwide effort to target ...

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Venezuela empties prisons, sends violent criminals to US border

Among the 2.2 million illegal aliens that have entered the country this year are violent criminals released from prisons in Venezuela. The news, alluded to on Thursday by President Joe Biden, has ...

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Most voters believe sanctuary cities should share burden of illegal immigration

Residents of so-called sanctuary cities were not happy when illegal aliens actually showed up in recent weeks. However, a majority of likely U.S. voters believe these cities should have to share the ...

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Americans increasingly dissatisfied with K-12 education

An increasing number of Americans are dissatisfied with the state of K-12 education in the nation, a new Gallup poll found. Only 42 percent of respondents said they are completely or somewhat ...

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Biden signs executive order countering China in biotech

China’s aggressive move into the American biotech industry is a national threat, prompting President Joe Biden to sign an executive order addressing it. The White House announced on Sept. 12 that Biden signed ...

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Presidential Prayer Team launches Pray the Vote ahead of midterms

pray the vote

The Presidential Prayer Team, the largest full-time prayer ministry for the nation’s leaders, announced the launch of Pray the Vote, a nationwide prayer campaign in advance of the November’s midterm elections. This ...

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Kansas conservatives count on ousting liberal Davids from House seat

kansas house

Conservatives are looking for a clean sweep of all Kansas House seats in the 2022 midterm elections and one race could determine if Nancy Pelosi keeps her speaker position. Incumbent Rep. Sharice ...

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Opposing abortion is “sinful,” Nancy Pelosi says

Opposition to abortion is “sinful,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says. “The fact that this is such an assault on women of color and women in lower-income families is just sinful,” she said. ...

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Republicans, mainstream media decry angry Biden speech as divisive

Lawmakers are responding to an unprecedented attack by President Joe Biden on his opponents. Biden, who still has some of the lowest poll numbers of any president in history, gave an ultra-politicized ...

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Court rules Biden administration cannot force doctors to perform gender surgery, abortions

The Biden administration cannot force doctors and hospitals to violate their religious beliefs by performing abortions and transgender surgery, a federal appeals judge ruled. At issue was Section 1557 of the 2010 ...

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Governor calls special session to work on major tax cut for Missourians

Missouri Governor Mike Parson says he’ll bring the General Assembly back to Jefferson City on September 6 to work on his proposed tax cut. Parson earlier vetoed HB 2090, a bill that ...

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Black Conservative Summit to address family breakdown

Ben Carson, the famed neurosurgeon and former secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will headline the upcoming Black Conservative Summit. The summit’s theme, “How to Fix Black America,”  will serve as “a ...

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Before student debt bailout, Democrats got $341 million in donations from loan industry

Democrats have been given hundreds of millions of donations from the higher education industry before President Joe Biden canceled up to $10,000 in student loan debt on Wednesday, records show. The lenders will ...

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Maryland voters finally get their 2020 ballots in the mail

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

Maryland residents are getting a blast from the past. They’ve finally received their 2020 election ballots in the mail. The blank ballots were found in a tray and were delivered over the ...

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